What is Negative Body Image: A Christian Perspective
This post is all about negative body image. Want to know what causes negative body image issues? These are the negative body image examples and causes you need to know about.
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Did you like your body when you were a young girl? I know I wasn’t happy in my own body— but what I didn’t know is that those negative feelings actually have a name — ”negative body image.”
Did you know that 9 out of 10 girls struggle with their physical appearance? What a sad negative body image statistic — especially being that we’re talking about young girls.
And that’s why you’re going to learn all about negative body image! I’m giving you negative body image examples, what causes negative body image, and how to overcome negative body — all with a Christian perspective…
After learning all of this — you’re going to know how to deal with your body image concerns as a Christian. And you can use these life-transforming truths for yourself and to help the special girls and women in your life.
This post is all about the debilitating negative body image facts every Christian woman should know about.
Negative Body Image Examples
Can you remember the first time you looked at your body in a negative way? Or had negative thoughts about your body?
If you belong to the 90%+ of girls who experience body dissatisfaction — it’s highly likely that your initial thoughts about your body were negative thoughts.
Hopefully, you’re among the fortunate 1 out of 10 with a healthy body image. However, if you’re reading this — it’s likely because you struggle with some type of body image disturbance.
Before diving into the negative body image examples, let’s establish a clear definition of what body image is.
What Is Body Image?
(According to the National Eating Disorders Association)
“It’s how you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind. It encompasses
- What you believe about your own physical appearance (including your memories, assumptions, and generalizations).
- How you feel about your body including your height, body type, body size, body shape, and body weight.
- How you sense and control your body as you move.
- How you physically experience or feel in your body.
Many of us internalize messages starting at a young age that can lead to either positive or negative body image.
Having a healthy body image is an important part of mental wellbeing and eating disorders prevention.”
Positive Body Image Definition
When you have a positive body image — your thoughts and feelings about your appearance are generally happy ones.
When you practice body positivity — you’re comfortable and accepting of how you look and have a higher self-esteem.
Negative Body Image Definition
When you have a negative body image — your thoughts and feelings about your appearance are generally unhappy ones. If given the chance, you’d most likely want to change your body shape or size.
When you have a poor body image — or if your body image dissatisfaction stems from disliking individual body parts, facial features…
Then you may suffer from low mood, have low self-esteem and emotional distress, and you’re unsure of your own self-worth.
Do you see yourself in one of the two descriptions above? If not, that’s ok. These signs of a poor body image will help you…
9 Signs of Poor Body Image
- You constantly compare yourself to others
- You may compare yourself to your best friend, family members, the women on TV shows (social media use and societal pressure is highly influential), or you may compare yourself to how you look now to how you looked in recent years.
- You feel inadequate about your body
- You don’t want to leave your house because of the way you look
- You avoid physical activity and healthy eating
- You obsess over individual body parts — you wish would look different
- You “body check” by looking in the mirror or taking selfies
- You have an unhealthy relationship with food
- You use negative comments and harsh language to describe your body
- You feel ashamed, ugly, embarrassed, inferior, guilty…
If you identify with having a poor body image — continue reading because you’re gonna learn all about what causes a negative body image next…
What Causes Negative Body Image?
That was a lot…
So, first of all…
I want you to know you’re not alone my beautiful friend!
Unfortunately, struggling with a negative body image is much more common than you may think — even amongst Christian women.
Negative body image is complex — it has a variety of causes…
According to specialists, a negative body image in combination with a distorted body image (also known as body dysmorphic disorder) — is often rooted in late childhood and early adolescence.
But generally speaking, a negative body image can stem from various life experiences, cultural influences, external factors and unrealistic expectations you and I were subjected to as young women…
Here are 5 of some of the main causes of a negative body image:
- Comparison to an Unrealistic ‘Ideal Body’
Exposure to social media, the fitness industry, and diet culture constantly feeds you filtered images — making you compare yourself to unattainable societal ideals.
- Friends & Co-workers
Friends and peers may casually make negative comments and comparisons and pass judgment.
- Family Dynamics
Mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins… Sadly, many women develop a negative body image because they grew up hearing their loved one’s body shaming their own bodies or others.
- Relationships
Negative experiences with ex-boyfriends and husbands have a major influence on how you see yourself. They can have a huge impact on your body dissatisfaction, self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence.
- School
As a child, there’s an intense need to ‘fit in.’ If you looked different — you might have suffered bullying.
I want to pause for a moment and say this…
If you have gone through or are going through any of these — I’m SO sorry! It’s not your fault…
You are loved beyond measure and are a beautiful, cherished, and loved daughter of God.
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What Does the Bible Say About Negative Body Image?
The Bible has a lot to say about your body…
You were uniquely designed by the Creator Himself — to reflect His image…
Body image can become a struggle when you haven’t learned to appreciate how God designed you.
While it’s good to take care of your body and keep it ‘able’ to do God’s work — it’s not in your best interest to focus too much on your appearance.
Your body is a gift from God. So, it’s essential to appreciate and accept your body and take care of it — but not let your appearance have a negative impact on your daily living.
You belong to God — that includes your body 🙂
6 Bible Verses About Body Image
How to deal with body image as a Christian…
I encourage you to take a screenshot of these Bible verses about body image.
Read them over and over to remind yourself of how special and how immensely loved you are… And go to battle with them! Remind the enemy who you are and WHOSE YOU ARE!
- Psalm 139:13–14 reminds you that God crafted you with masterful artistry, care, and love.
He personally knit you together in your mother’s womb. WOW! Internalizing that God Himself imagined you and put you together is enough to make your heart want to burst with gratitude — and instill a deep sense of wonder for the unique way He made you!
- Isaiah 45:9 compares you to clay and God to a skilled potter.
Encourages you to trust His design, just as you would trust an expert potter’s work.
Even if your body faces challenges or if you have a physical disability, there are still reasons to be grateful. Your body, in its own way, was designed to do great things and to bring glory and pleasure to God, just as you are!
- Colossians 1:16 says you were created for a special purpose — to honor, worship, and please God.
Your physical body is a part of His beautiful plan for you. And accepting your body means seeing your physical self as a precious gift from a loving and compassionate Father.
God loves you because of His grace — not because of how you look.
Ephesians 2:4-10
God values you because of who you are in Christ — not because of your body.
Titus 3:4-7
Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature, because I have rejected him.
1 Samuel 16:7
Now that you know what your Abba Father says of you and thinks of you, let’s see what 7 things you should look out for and take to the throne of grace…
What 7 Things Can a Negative Body Image Lead To?
(and the long-term effects of negative body image)
Dealing with negative feelings about your body can be painful my friend…
And it’s important to note that a negative body image can lead to several consequences, affecting both your physical and mental well-being.
Here are 7 things a negative body image can lead to…
1. Mood Disorders
Negative body image can contribute to mood disorders like depression and anxiety, making you feel down and worried.
2. Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Sometimes, it can escalate into Body Dysmorphia, where you become really focused on perceived flaws in your appearance.
3. Disordered Eating
A negative body image might lead to unhealthy eating habits, like overeating or following strict diets, which can potentially result in eating disorders.
4. Lower Self-Esteem
It can lower your self-esteem and make you less confident in various parts of your life, which can be challenging.
5. Relationship Issues
Negative body image can put a strain on your relationships because you might feel insecure and doubt yourself, affecting both your romantic and social connections.
6. Physical Health Concerns
Constant stress from a negative body image can lead to physical health issues like muscle tension and headaches, which can be uncomfortable.
7. Social Withdrawal
You might start avoiding social activities and opportunities because of your negative body image, which can make you feel isolated from others.
Remember, it’s okay to seek support and work on improving your body image. You are valued just as you are, and you deserve to feel good about yourself.
This leads me to my next and final point…
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Comparison Culture
Free Emotional Wellness Journal & Guide
Free Download – 7 Days to Self-Acceptance
How To Overcome Negative Body Image
As a Christian woman struggling with body image the number one suggestion is to…
- Seek the support of a gospel-centered therapist.
- Experts in the field suggest cognitive behavioral therapy.
- Tell your loved ones you’re working on improving your body image.
- Surround yourself with spiritually uplifting women.
- Detox from social media — unfollow accounts that negatively affect your body image.
- Journal the negative thoughts and rewrite them in a self-accepting way.
- Redefine beauty by celebrating your wonderful and unique qualities — after all, that’s what makes you beautiful!
- Wear clothes that make YOU feel comfortable.
- And finally, serve others…
If you’d like to learn more about your body image and what you can do to improve your body image, you won’t want to miss out on THIS!
Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You were designed to do good things, and you deserve to feel good about yourself…
Embrace the journey toward body acceptance image with faith and self-compassion.

Download this prayer, hold it close to your heart, and know that God hears your every word. May His truth guide you, His love comfort you, and His grace empower you 💖.
My prayer for you is that my decades of experience of — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-esteem struggles — and how God has radically worked on my heart will bless and inspire you!
You’re Invited…
You have an open invitation to binge on all of my posts — written with Holy Spirit-inspired words and filled with love just for you — my beautiful friend.
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