Menopause Body Image: Let’s Break the Stigma!
This post is all about menopause.
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As a Christian woman, going through menopause can be a daunting and challenging experience. The changes in our bodies can leave us feeling unsure and insecure, especially when it comes to weight, shape, and body composition.
But here’s the thing…
Menopause is a God-given — natural part of life that we all experience. And while it may come with its own set of challenges, it’s also a time for personal growth and discovery.
God wants you to embrace aging with grace. He wants you to love yourself — be kind, compassionate, and curious about how complex He designed you!
So let’s put aside any myths or misconceptions and approach menopause with optimism and empathy. By learning more about what to expect and how to deal with symptoms, we can make the most of this exciting (sometimes not-so-exciting 😂) time in our lives.
If you’re going through menopause or approaching it, this article is for you. I’ve broken it down into simple-to-understand language for you. Knowing all about menopause will help you understand and be better prepared for the physiological changes and symptoms you may experience.
This post is about all things menopause… From menopause meaning, the stages of menopause, menopause symptoms, and the average age of menopause, to the menopause body changes you may experience.
Menopause. A True & Vulnerable Story…
So let’s dive in and embrace menopause with grace!
First of all, I wrote this article because I want you — my beautiful friend — to be as educated as possible.
Surprisingly, menopause is not a very “popular” topic…
You’d think that with an astounding 3,986,819,259 females in the world, and the overload of information available that everyone would openly talk about “the change.”
It’s 2021, I turn 50, I had an ovary removed, and bam — MENOPAUSE!
All of a sudden, I’m experiencing a lot of body changes that left me feeling frustrated and insecure — more times than I’d like to admit…
One of the most significant changes is the weight gain that literally seems to have come out of nowhere! (Well, if you don’t count the ice cream…🙃)
- Along with the weight gain, my body shape has also changed…
- My waist is now wider. The weight is distributed differently…
- My arms don’t lay the same against my body. And clothes that used to fit a certain way — lay differently.
Sound familiar?
When I was younger and discussed aging and body image with clients, I would always say: “every age has its grace…”
Can I be real?
My self-confidence has taken a big hit.
Because, if you’re anything like me, the enemy tries to get you the same ole way as usual — through negative body image and low self-esteem…
I’ll get to the sciency stuff in a sec — bear with me. Because it is important for you to know the signs of menopause.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14
Weight, Shape, and Body Composition Changes at Menopause
So, this is what happens during “the change” my friend…
The Physical & Emotional Signs
(straight from someone who’s going through it…)
Physically — Hot flashes. Personally, this is the worst part — it leaves you feeling uncomfortable and sweaty. There are times when hot flashes can make you feel anxious and out of control. You just pray to God for it to stop!
Emotionally — well, you can ask Rob (my hubby)! The mood swings are no joke… This is thanks to the hormonal changes happening in your body.
As much as I try to avoid it, these mood swings have been impacting my ability to enjoy life fully — as God intended it.
I say all this to say…
That my journey to feel better in my body and more confident in myself — weight gain and all — is an ongoing process 🙂.
Can you relate? If so, would you like to join arms and walk this journey together?
If you’ve read this far, I’m assuming your answer is yes 😊.
And this is where grace comes in… Be kind, compassionate, and patient with yourself. “Embrace your unique, God-given body, even as it changes through menopause.”
Now… let’s get into the sciency part of menopause.
There are 3 Stages of Menopause
God is amazing — and He designed us with such complexity — that menopause, a.k.a. “The Change,” is divided into 3 stages…
Ok, so what are the 3 stages?
- Perimenopause
- Menopause
- Postmenopause
Stage 1: What is Perimenopause?
Up until this moment, we’ve called it “menopause” — because it’s the most recognized menopausal stage.
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Many women have no idea what perimenopause is until they’re in it! (I surely didn’t know!)
So, “perimenopause means “around menopause” and refers to the time during which your body makes the natural transition to menopause. Perimenopause is a natural transition period in a woman’s life, typically starting in her 40s or late 30s, that occurs before menopause.
During this time, your hormonal levels decline, and your menstrual cycle becomes irregular, leading to symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, mood swings, and trouble sleeping.
This transition period can last several years before menopause is reached.
Perimenopause is also called the menopausal transition.
“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
Proverbs 31:30
Average Age of Perimenopause
Women start perimenopause at different ages. You may notice signs of progression toward menopause, such as menstrual irregularity, sometime in your 40s. But some women notice changes as early as their mid-30s.”
Stage 2: So then, What is Menopause?
I know, it gets confusing! But stay with me, you’ll be thankful you read this…
Menopause Definition
- Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years.
- Menopause is the permanent end of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
- Menopause is a natural process that women typically experience between the ages of 45 and 55.
Average Age of “The Change”
Although it can happen earlier or later. The average age of menopause in the United States is 51, but the range is wide – anywhere from 40 to 60.
Because the change is a natural biological process, there is no “cure” or treatment to stop it from happening…
Oh, by the way, Menopause ONLY LASTS ONE DAY! (more about this ahead…)
So, let’s recap…
Perimenopause vs Menopause
“You may think you’re going through menopause when you’re actually in perimenopause.
Perimenopause encompasses the years leading up to menopause, and it’s characterized by well-known (yucky) symptoms like hot flashes, moodiness, weight gain, and trouble sleeping.
Menopause marks the time when a woman can no longer get pregnant.
It doesn’t just happen one day when you reach a certain age, however. The transition is a long-term process unique to each woman.
Menopause is not diagnosed until you’ve gone 12 months without any period at all. Once you’ve passed through menopause, you’re in postmenopause.
How long does menopause last?
Menopause is technically only one day of a woman’s life!
The day you hit one full year without a period is the day you reach menopause.
After that, you are postmenopausal.
Stage 3: Postmenopause
Once you stop having periods, and as long as you no longer have periods, you are postmenopausal.
So basically, postmenopause is the rest of your life after menopause. In addition to no longer having a menstrual cycle, your symptoms may begin to ease or disappear during this time. (Thank you Jesus!)
However, some women will continue to have Vasomotor Symptoms (VMS) like night sweats and hot flashes for a decade or longer. More about VMS later…
The age of onset can vary depending on multiple factors. And its exact timing can’t be pinpointed exactly as it depends upon a number of influencing variables.
Menopausal Body Changes
During this time, there are a few hormonal changes that take place in the body.
The main hormone involved is called estrogen, which plays a big role in a woman’s reproductive system.
The levels of estrogen in the body start to drop, which can lead to a few physical changes. For example, some women experience hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and trouble sleeping.
Symptoms of Menopause
The most obvious symptom of menopause is a change in your menstrual cycle. You may have irregular periods, or your periods may stop altogether.
Other symptoms of menopause can include:
- 🥵 Hot flashes—Night sweats
- 🥱 Trouble sleeping
- 😠 Mood changes & Body Image Issues
- Vaginal dryness
- Loss of sexual desire
Today, we’re gonna focus on the top 3 most common Menopause Symptoms.
1. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
Besides irregular periods, the #1 most common symptom of menopause is VMS — Vasomotor Symptoms…
I know right?! I had never heard of VMS before either.
VMS is the first and most notable symptom. “Vasomotor Symptoms” is the medical name for the yucky hot flashes—night sweats.
What Do Hot Flashes Feel Like?
A sudden feeling of heat and sweating, mainly in the upper body or face, which can be frequent and intense. (Can you hear my fan in the background? 😂)
In some cases, you may get sweaty behind your legs, feel nauseous, and have a rapid heartbeat.
Oh, and keep a blanket nearby because you’ll most likely get the chills right after…
2. Mood Swings & Body Image Issues
Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can cause irritability, mood swings, anxiety, and depression in women, affecting their self-perception and emotional well-being.
Your body undergoes significant changes during menopause: weight gain — mainly in the abdominal area and body composition changes.
Therefore, a negative body image can become a challenge.
The importance of standing firmly in your identity is critical. This is a time when you are vulnerable, and the enemy will do his best to bring you down with a negative body image.
Be encouraged by this verse:
“Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
2 Corinthians 4:16
3. Trouble Sleeping
Hormonal fluctuations can interrupt sleep, causing insomnia, wakefulness during the night, and excessive daytime sleepiness, leading to fatigue and decreased quality of life.
So there you have it my dear friend… Menopause in a nutshell.
But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that menopause is a bad thing (at least not for everyone)!
In fact, it’s just a natural transition that marks the end of one phase of your life and the beginning of another.
Studies show that many women find that menopause is a time of transformation and renewal — empowerment and growth. They have newfound freedom and confidence after going through the change.
Plus, there are lots of ways to manage physical symptoms, like getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and practicing self-care.
And if you ever have any concerns, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor.
So, while menopause may bring a few changes to your body, it’s nothing you can’t handle — with God’s grace…
Embrace this new chapter of your life with grace, optimism, self-compassion, and curiosity, and know that you’ve God + You got this!
This post was all about menopause, menopause symptoms, and perimenopause.
These are the items you will need to keep you sweat free, cool, then warm 😂:
A USB chargeable handheld fan! It’s nice and small — great for hot flashes — you can take it everywhere! It’s THE BEST little fan you’ll ever own!
Super Soft & Warm & Cozy Throw Blanket — long enough to cover your feet. Nice and light AND it’s pretty 😊.
Beautiful & Comfortable Moisture Wicking Sheet Set — these sheets dry instantly! Trust me, you DO NOT want to sleep on your sweat… Oh, and they’re super soft.
My prayer for you is that my decades of experience of — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-esteem struggles — and how God has radically worked on my heart will bless and inspire you!
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