17 Tips on How to Deal with Bad Body Image Days
This post is all about tips on how to deal with bad body image days. What causes these bad days. AND spiritual tips, mental health tips, and physical tips that every Christian woman needs to know about!
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I think it’s safe to say that having a bad body image day is something that most people can relate to… You don’t necessarily have to have a negative body image to experience a bad day.
But for those of us who struggle with body dysmorphia, an eating disorder, or any type of body image issues — a bad body image day can be enough to intensify feelings of inadequacy, inferiority complex, wanting to crawl into bed so no one sees you…
But here’s the good news…
You’re gonna learn all about what causes bad body image days — PLUS, I’m giving you the best tips on how to cope with bad body image days!
17 Tips How To Deal With Bad Body Image Days…
Before we get to the tips on how to deal with bad body image days, let’s get some context…
What is Body Image?
Body image is a combination of thoughts and feelings you have about your body. They can be positive, neutral, or negative. It’s how you see yourself in the mirror or the mental picture of yourself.
What Is a Bad Body Image Day?
A bad body image day is a day when you wake up feeling painfully uncomfortable, anxious, or self-conscious about your body. You tend to be more self-critical and can be self-destructive.
What Causes Bad Body Image Days?
Everyone is unique…
However, there are certain triggers that can lead to the negative thoughts or feelings about your body.
- A family gathering brought up feelings of inadequacy.
- A co-worker made a tasteless comment about your body (or someone else’s body).
- You’re experiencing a personal or work transition — which brings up uncertainty — and you unconsciously take it out on your body.
- You had a hard time moving your body during a physical activity — making you feel inferior or incapable.
Your trigger will make you focus more intensely on your body dissatisfaction.
Just remember… this too shall pass…
17 Tips How To Deal With Bad Body Image Days…
Spiritual Tips for Bad Body Image Days
1. Pray About It
PRAYING (and reading Scripture) IS YOUR MOST POWERFUL TOOL in developing a better relationship with your body…
When you wake up, and the first thing you experience is negative feelings about your own body, start your day in prayer.
God wants you to go to Him with everything — body image concerns included! Ask God to transform your negative body image thoughts. Ask Him to help you see yourself as He sees you — fearfully and wonderfully made.
2. Speak Scripture Affirmations
On those tough body image days, write down Bible verses that emphasize your worth in God’s eyes. Read them aloud when negative thoughts about your physical appearance creep in.
These Scripture-based positive affirmations for bad body image days will help you see yourself in a different way and may lessen those bad body days.
Once you’ve prayed and spoken truth over yourself, you’ll be in a better mindset to give thanks for your abilities…
Look at these Bible verses and affirmations for bad body image days.
3. Be Thankful
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
So, even when (especially when) you have a poor body image — list three non-body-related things you’re grateful for.
4. Create a Worship Playlist
The power of music! According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, one of the main advantages of listening to music is reduced anxiety.
So, create a playlist with uplifting worship songs that celebrate the joy of being God’s cherished daughter!
Pick songs that will continue to speak life and truth — giving your bad days a chance to become great days. (And if you like to dance — dance your heart away!)
5. Practice Body Acceptance
Embrace and accept your body as it is. You are a masterpiece — created by the Master Himself!
If you think about it, your body is pretty incredible! It deserves some self-love and appreciation — don’t you agree?
Shift your focus from the body parts you don’t like and be thankful for what your body does for you…
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Psalm 139:14 NLT
You’re intricately woven body works perfectly in sync!
- When you’re hurt — your body’s ‘healing squad’ forms clots, sends repair crews, and voilà – good as new!
- When you sleep — your body repairs, boosts memory, and refreshes energy.
- When you eat — your digestive system breaks down, extracts nutrients, and fuels your body.
- When you’re hot or cold — your body’s like a built-in thermostat. It sweats to cool you down and shivers to generate warmth, all to keep your temperature just right.
6. Take Deep Breaths
When you’re having a really hard body image day — practice “breath prayers.”
A breath prayer is a brief, repetitive prayer synchronized with breath, promoting mindfulness and connection with God.
Deep breathing can help you calm your negative thoughts and give you peace.
Here are some breath prayer examples:
Take a deep breath through your nose — allowing your lungs to fill with air. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing the breath at a comfortable pace.
🙏 “I am loved”
- Inhale: “I am”
- Exhale: “Loved”
🙏 “Fearfully, wonderfully made”
- Inhale: “Fearfully”
- Exhale: “Wonderfully made”
🙏 “Spirit of God set me free”
- Inhale: “Spirit of God”
- Exhale: “Set me free”
💖 Explore Related Posts 💖
- 10 Easy & Proven Good Habits For A Healthy Body Image
- Negative Body Image: A Christian Perspective
- Body Checking | Why You Do It and How You Can Stop
Mental Health Tips for Bad Body Image Days
7. Take a Break from Social Media
📢 Step away from your phone…
You can find uplifting and inspiring messages on social media. On the other hand — social media can actually exacerbate your body image issues!
You’re inundated with weight loss messaging — how to get rid of cellulite — strong is the new skinny — lose the baby fat — detox reset diet — and none of this helps! Most times, it portrays an unrealistic ideal of what you should look like.
And as you’re scrolling, unconsciously, you’re body dissatisfaction grows stronger and deeper…
Overcome Your Body Image Struggles…
Download your FREE “Body Image Redefined” so you can begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God.

8. Dismiss Diet Culture
Cultural influence can be SO damaging…
I mean diet talk is everywhere — from break time with coworkers to fellowshipping with the Bible study ladies.
“I had a big dinner last night so I’m fasting today…” or “I’m skipping lunch this week because I have to fit into my outfit…” or “I have to up my workout routine so I can ___________…”
You know that verse that says, “Where there are two or more gathered in my name, I am there…”
Well, sadly, “where there are two or more women gathered — body size and body shape talk are there…”
But you can set boundaries — dismiss the conversation before it happens. It may be uncomfortable but sometimes you just have to self-advocate — ask people to respect your journey toward body acceptance.
9. Spend Time with Loved Ones
Create a support system. Spending time and connecting with your best friend or a family member (that inspires positive self-talk) is always a good idea.
10. Practice Self-Compassion
Be kind to yourself — give yourself some grace…
Self-compassion doesn’t require you to feel good about yourself. It doesn’t tie your worth to an outcome (like weight loss or changing parts of your body). Self-compassion simply validates your feelings and allows you to respect and be kind to yourself — regardless of your bad body image day.
Explore and process your thoughts and feelings about your body through reflective journaling.
Write down…
- 3 things you like about yourself that have nothing to do with your body.
- 3 things you like about your body.
- 3 things your body does for you or allows you to do.
Leave small notes with affirmations in places you’ll see throughout the day to encourage positive thinking. Use the Scriptures, positive affirmations, or ‘3 things you like…’ from the previous tips.
13. Acts of Kindness
Do something kind for someone else to shift focus away from your appearance and to foster purpose.
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
Check out all of the FREE Body Image Related Resources here!
Physical Tips for Bad Body Image Days
14. Wear Comfortable Clothes
Remember this, your current body is worthy 😊.
Given that FACT — choose to wear clothes that fit and embrace the body you have right now.
- Don’t wait for a bad day to come along… Pre-select a few outfits for bad body image days. This way, you don’t even have to think about what to wear on bad body image days.
- Focus on wearing clothes that feel comfortable. If your thighs are chafing and you plan on wearing a dress — practice self-compassion and wear pants instead.
- On negative body image days, wear clothes that will take your mind off of your body image concerns.
- Consider donating the tight clothes you’re waiting to fit into (and the oversized sweatshirt masking your “imperfections”).
15. Minimize Body Checking
Do you constantly look at yourself in the mirror (or any reflective surface) — weigh yourself — or pinch/poke at areas of your body?
Well, my beautiful friend, this behavior actually has a name — body checking… Learn more about it here.
Think about ways you can avoid (or lessen) body checking, especially on bad body days.
16. Move Your Body
Dance. Kickbox. Walk. Skip. Stretch.
Do whatever movement brings you joy!
Moving your body benefits you both physically AND mentally — exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood.
17. Nourish Your Body
Bad body image days might trigger thoughts of restrictive eating.
So what’s the answer?
Practice self-care…
By eating enough and savoring each bite — you’re appreciating the nourishment your body receives, and connecting it to gratitude.
Do something nice for yourself…
Treat yourself as you would treat someone you love.
Whatever that looks like for you.
Sadly, if you’re used to negative self-talk and struggle with self-compassion, you may not know where to start.
So here are a couple of questions you could ask yourself to get some ideas flowing…
- What does being pampered mean to you?
- What activities do you enjoy — what excites you?

My prayer for you is that my decades of experience of — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-esteem struggles — and how God has radically worked on my heart will bless and inspire you!
You’re Invited…
You have an open invitation to binge on all of my posts — written with Holy Spirit-inspired words and filled with love just for you — my beautiful friend.
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