Body Checking | Why You Do It and How You Can Stop
This post is all about body checking. If you want to start your journey to overcoming body image issues then these are the body checking realities you need to know about!
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When I was looking into the body checking concept, I stumbled upon some TikTok videos…
It was SO heartbreaking. Did you know that ‘TikTok Body Checking Trend’ is a thing?
These girls present themselves and ask for viewers to comment on their overall physical appearance, body shape, and body size.
Surprisingly (well — nothing really surprises me these days but…), not only are their young-underdeveloped bodies glorified — some are called fat.
Honestly, doesn’t that make you want to cry?
But when you think about it — when did you start body checking? If you’re anything like me, you’re an OG body checker and didn’t even know it!
Thankfully, we have a name for it… (thanks to diet culture and social media’s appearance-based culture)
So now you can call it out — and pray for the grace and strength to overcome it.
In this blog post, we’re gonna take a deep dive into what body checking means. You’ll also find the top 10 body checking examples — what body checking behaviors to look out for — and how to stop body checking with God’s grace.
What’s Body Checking?
Before we get into the body checking meaning, can I be totally transparent?
This is something I struggle with TO THIS DAY.
As the years fly by, we’re blessed to live in God’s grace and experience the beautiful wisdom that comes with age, but…
WOW, bodies change — like — A LOT.
So as I look in the mirror, I can’t help but body check because things look SO “different.” Things get larger and lower — can you relate?
It’s good to know I’m not alone 😊
Body checking is when you repeatedly check your body to see how it looks…
It includes things like
- frequent weighing
- measuring parts of your body
- or constant mirror-checking
Sometimes, it’s linked to Body Dysmorphia or another type of disorder.
(Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a mental health condition that affects how you see yourself and feel about your own body and appearance. It’s common to experience negative thoughts and negative emotions about how you look — and requires professional help.)
Some degree of body checking is nothing to worry about.
Like checking your teeth when you’re wearing red lipstick…
However, when it affects your daily life or how you feel about yourself — it’s time to take action.
Why Do You Body Check?
Body checking can look different for you and me. But the reason behind it is pretty similar.
See, you do it because you want to feel better about your body, especially the parts of your body you wish were different.
You hope that checking will ease your body dissatisfaction (negative emotions toward your body) and make you feel more in control.
But here’s the thing…
Checking your body size or your body shape doesn’t really give you what you’re looking for.
Think of it like this…
You’re repeatedly opening the oven door to check if your favorite batch of cookies is ready.
You keep looking inside. Hoping they’ll be perfectly baked. And each time you check — you’re looking for that yummy crisp golden brown edge.
(now I want cookies…)
However, what often happens is that constantly opening the oven door actually disrupts the baking process.
The cookies don’t turn out as delicious as you’d hoped…
And you’re left feeling disappointed and anxious…
Similarly, excessive body checking can disrupt your sense of self-worth and confidence.
It might briefly soothe your body image concerns — but it often leads to more negative thoughts, dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and mental health issues like anxiety or depression.
According to Medical News Today, “Body checking may range from mild to debilitating, severely affecting a person’s mental health. In addition, experts recognize an association between body checking and eating disorders or other mental health conditions. Some research indicates there may be a link between social media use and body dissatisfaction and body image disorders.”
How do you know if you’re a body checker?
I’m glad you asked…
Here are 10 examples of body checking…
10 Body Checking Examples
Some signs of body checking and common behaviors include…
1. Frequent Weighing
Sometimes, you might feel the need to step on the scale often. Repeated checking is probably because you’re worried about even the smallest amount of weight gain.
2. Obsessing Over Specific Body Parts In The Mirror
You might find yourself spending a lot of time looking at ‘perceived flaws’ in the mirror or in reflective surfaces like windows. It’s possible you scrutinize them from different angles.
3. Measuring Body Parts
Have you ever checked the circumference of your body parts with a tape measure? Like the size of your waist, thighs, or arms? Numbers can make you very self-conscious about your body…
4. Feeling for Skin Folds, Fat, Muscle, or Bone
Sometimes, you might touch your body a lot — trying to figure out how much fat, muscle, or bone you have.
5. Pinching or Squeezing Flesh
Another form of body checking is to pinch or squeeze your skin or body parts to see how you feel or look. This can be related to a negative body image.
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- Negative Body Image: A Christian Perspective
- Unlocking Freedom from Comparison Culture
- Revealing the Comparison Trap: How Social Image Impacts Body Image
6. Wrapping Hands Around Different Body Parts
When you wrap your hands around your stomach, waist, thighs, arms, wrist, etc. to measure or feel them.
7. Repeatedly Trying On Clothes
Am I the only one who saves (and tries on) my smaller-sized clothes? You repeatedly try them on over and over to check how they fit — because you’re trying to assess your body’s shape or size.
8. Comparing
Comparing your current appearance to past pictures of yourself or to how others look is common. This comparison often leads to self-criticism.
Learn how to overcome toxic Comparison Culture in Easy-to-Follow steps…

9. Seeking Reassurance About Weight Or Shape
Have you ever asked others for their opinions about your weight or how you look? Social media use might encourage you to engage in body checking — like the TikTok Body Checking Trend — you might do this because you want reassurance.
10. Constant Mirror-Checking
When you check yourself on reflective surfaces all the time — it’s because you want to see if anything has changed about how you look…
Can you connect with any of the 10 examples of body checking?
If you’ve recognized whether you engage in different forms of body checking — remember to practice GRACE and self-compassion.
These are 8 body checking behaviors to look out for…
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8 Body Checking Behaviors…
Constantly scrutinizing your body can lead to self-defeating behaviors and emotional challenges.
1. Comparison
When you constantly check your body size, body shape, or body weight — you might compare yourself to others.
Comparing yourself to others can make you feel like you’re not as good as someone them. And make you develop a negative body image.
2. Self-Criticism
You can become self-critical to a point where you focus on your perceived flaws rather than your strengths. This self-criticism can make you feel sad and make you have negative thoughts about yourself.
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
Body Image Related Printable FREEBIES for Christian Women!
Body Image Resources for Christian Women
3. Anxiety
You might worry a lot about how you look — which can create stress and make you feel on edge. This can strain your mental health.
4. Unhappiness
It can make you unhappy because you’re constantly having negative thoughts about your physical appearance or the parts of your body you don’t like.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2
5. Lower Self-Esteem
Because it makes you focus on your perceived flaws. When you constantly criticize your appearance, it’s hard to feel good about yourself.
6. Decreased Self-Confidence
It can also decrease your self-confidence. When you’re always worried about how you look, it’s challenging to feel confident in social situations or when facing new challenges.
7. Unhealthy Body Image
It can contribute to an unhealthy body image, where you may have an unrealistic view of how you should look. This can lead to even more body dissatisfaction.
8. Reduced Focus on Inner Qualities
Compulsive body checking can shift your focus away from your inner qualities and strengths. You may forget about the amazing qualities that make you unique and valuable.
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
1 Peter 3:3-4
Can you see how constantly looking at your body can become an issue?
Why is Body Checking Wrong?
(Maybe “wrong” is a strong word…😬)
If you engage in body checking it can be seen as ‘wrong’ because it often leads to negative feelings about your own body.
When you constantly check your body — you will likely start to focus on what you don’t like about it…
Which — as you read above — can lead to lower self-esteem and a poor body image.
If you want to learn how to reduce this behavior — here are some practical steps and helpful tips to guide you… (I’ll be right alongside you!)
How To Stop Body Checking: A Christian-Based Guide
Try one step at a time… Let the Holy Spirit guide your journey towards stopping body checking and finding peace in your identity as a beloved and cherished daughter of God.
(Keeping a Body Checking Journal might be helpful.)
Step 1: Embrace Your Faith
The first step is to embrace your faith by remembering that your identity is in Christ, not in your appearance.
Go to the throne of grace… just as you are! Talk to the lover of your soul… tell Him exactly how you feel and ask Him to help you overcome body checking for His glory.
Step 2: Practice Grace
Be kind to yourself during this journey. Know that you are loved lavishly — just the way you are.
Treat yourself with the same grace and love that you would extend to your best friend.
Step 3: Understand and Reflect
Take time to go over the body checking behaviors you identify with as many times as you need to — until you fully understand why you do them.
Think about how they make you feel and how they fit into your life.
Step 4: Limit Temptations
To make it easier, limit the chances to do these behaviors.
If you tend to ‘check yourself’ in a mirror a lot — consider covering up those mirrors at home or avoiding places with full-length mirrors. It can help you break the habit.
Step 5: Share with Someone
Don’t go through this alone…
Talk to someone you trust about the behavior you’re working on changing.
Ask them to support you and keep an eye out to help you stop.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
Step 6: Take a Social Media Break
Taking a break from social media can be helpful…
Research shows that social media can make us feel worse about our bodies.
Consider removing accounts that trigger negative thoughts.
Step 7: Recognize Triggers
Pay attention to what makes you want to body check.
Knowing your triggers can help you avoid them or find better ways to deal with them.
Step 8: Keep Track
For one entire day, keep track of how many times you check your body.
It’ll show you how often you do it and give you a goal to reduce those times.
Step 9: Find New Ways to Cope
When you feel like body checking, try something else to cope with your feelings.
It could be talking to a friend, doing a hobby you love, or thanking God for everything your body does for you.
Step 10: Seek Guidance
If body checking is making you really anxious or unhappy, consider talking to a gospel-centered counselor or with a cognitive behavioral therapist.
They can help you navigate any unhealthy behaviors.
If anything at all, try these 2 affirmations…
- “I am SO much more than my appearance!”
- “My worth is not about how I look — I’m valuable just as I am.”
And try trading “I’m a body that looks like this” for “I’m celebrating my God-given inner beauty and strengths!”
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2
Remember to treat yourself with kindness and grace, my beautiful friend… just like patiently waiting for those cookies to bake to perfection 😉.
Practicing grace and self-compassion is the key to learning to love yourself as you are… even when you’re not happy with how you look.
My prayer for you is that my decades of experience of — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-esteem struggles — and how God has radically worked on my heart will bless and inspire you!
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