What is Neuroplasticity? How to Change Your Brain
Knowing about neuroplasticity gives you the power to renew your mind, replace negative thoughts with God’s truth, and transform how you see yourself for lasting freedom.
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The first time I heard about neuroplasticity was from my sister-in-law, Alexandra.
She tried to explain it, but then she did something even better — she shared a video of this amazing woman she had been following for a while. In the video, Alisa Keeton, founder and the fearless leader of Revelation Wellness, talked all about neuroplasticity 🤯.
(More on Alisa’s wisdom later… so keep reading till the end!)
The science geek in me was fascinated by the details — but the broken girl in me was magnetically drawn to something even more powerful — HOPE.
Hope that I could heal my mind from the early childhood lies, diet culture, and insecurities that had shaped me for years.
And my beautiful friend, there’s hope for you too…
I know this post is a little longer than usual, BUT I encourage you (I plead to you) to stick with me — maybe even read it a couple of times.
This could be the start of your journey to healing and renewing your mind.
Here’s what to expect…
First, I’ll break down neuronal plasticity in simple terms, explain why neuroplasticity is important, give you some real-life examples, show you how it can renew your mind, and suggest some neuroplasticity exercises you can start TODAY!
(And if you stick around till the end, you can grab a free neuroplasticity PDF summary — so you can start practicing right away!)
Let’s dive in!
What is Neuroplasticity in Simple Words?
The neuroplasticity definition that the National Library of Medicine offers is:
Neuroplasticity, also known as neural plasticity or brain plasticity, is a process that involves adaptive structural and functional changes to the brain. Or the ability of the nervous system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections.
Neuroplasticity in simple words…
It is the ability of the human brain to change and adapt.
It can experience structural changes and improve cognitive function based on…
- what you think
- what you say
- what you do
In other words…
- Your brain can reorganize itself when you think, say, or have new experiences.
- It can change its activity in response to what happens inside or outside your body.
Okay, now that you know what it is — here’s why it’s important…
Why is Neuroplasticity Important?
Your thoughts, words, and new experiences actually shape your brain (make new connections)…
- By thinking new things, saying positive affirmations out loud, and taking part in activities that challenge you — you can rewire your brain (create new neural networks)!
- This rewiring can help you break free from negative thought patterns — like those related to body image!
- Understanding neuroplasticity helps you realize that your brain’s ability to change is limitless!
- It’s like a flexible muscle that can get stronger and smarter as you think, say, and do new things!
(Can you tell I’m excited?!)
In a nutshell — neuroplasticity matters because it allows your brain to adapt and grow, meaning you can improve your body image (and so much more).
You see, there’s hope my beautiful friend 💖
What are the 3 Types of Neuroplasticity?
1️⃣ Synaptic Plasticity (or Brain Cell Connections)
- This is like making stronger connections between brain cells when you learn new skills.
- Imagine it as new neural connections (pathways) in your brain becoming clearer when you practice and remember things.
- Think of synapses as tiny bridges that help information travel between brain cells.
2️⃣ Structural Plasticity (or Brain Pathway Changes)
- This is the ability of the brain structure to physically change its shape.
- It’s like your brain building new roads (neural connections) or even new houses (new brain cells) to help you understand, learn, and remember information better.
3️⃣ Functional Plasticity (or Brain Function)
- If one part of your brain can’t work well — other parts can help out!
- Think of it as different team members stepping up when one player — who plays an important role — is temporarily out, so the game (your brain functions) can still go on.
This just goes to show how amazing your brain is at adapting, learning, and recovering.
Isn’t this good news?!
It means your brain changes continually AND can improve… our God is incredible!
Here’s how it works…Here’s how it works…
8 Neuroplasticity Examples
These are some everyday-ordinary neuroplasticity examples…
- Learning a Musical Instrument (Music Therapy)
When you start learning an instrument, your brain creates new paths to help you move your fingers and understand the music. As your musical training progresses, these paths get stronger, showing that your brain can get better at learning and doing new things.
- Mastering a New Language
When you’re learning a new language, your brain makes new neurons (new connections). It helps your brain grow by learning words, grammar, and pronunciation.
When you build a habit like exercising or practicing mindfulness on a daily basis, it changes your brain. At first, it can be challenging, but if you stick with it, your brain adapts, and it eventually feels natural — like second nature.
Overcome Your Body Image Struggles…
Download your FREE 18-page “Body Image Redefined Fast Track” so you can begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God TODAY!

- Recovering from Injury
When someone suffers a traumatic brain injury, like a stroke, the brain has the amazing ability to adapt and compensate for what’s lost. Through rehabilitation and therapy, new neural pathways can form. This helps stroke patients recover from their traumatic brain injuries and regain motor skills, speech, and cognitive functions (thinking).
- Adapting to Vision Loss
When someone loses their vision, the brain naturally adapts. The areas that once processed sight shift to start helping other senses like touch and hearing. This helps them move around and understand their environment even without being able to see.
- Improving Memory
Practicing memory exercises like puzzles or memorizing things can actually make your brain better at remembering stuff. By challenging your memory regularly, you help your brain build stronger connections that are important for memory.
- Overcoming Phobias
Exposure therapy uses neuroplasticity to help people with fears or anxieties. By gradually facing fears in a safe environment, your brain learns that the fear isn’t as scary as it seems. This process creates new memories and new pathways, reducing the intensity of the fear.
- Changing Perspectives
When you question negative beliefs and biases, you can reshape neural pathways (change the way your brain thinks about things).
By learning, being understanding, and showing empathy, you can begin to see things from different points of view.
This helps you become more accepting and tolerant of others — and of yourself.
Which brings us to YOU…
How Can You Rewire Your Brain?
Before I answer the ‘how’ — I’ll answer this question first…
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Is Rewiring the Brain Biblical?
1Is Rewiring the Brain Biblical?
100% 👏 YES! 👏 Absolutely…👏 Neuroplasticity is Biblical.
God calls you to renew your mind every day… to focus on heavenly things… and to approach Him with confidence.
His grace gives you the strength to break free from the chains of inadequacy and embrace the body He lovingly created for you.
Did you know…
This whole blog is based on Romans 12:2, which says:
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…
Here are some other Bible verses that speak to the modern scientific terms of ‘rewiring your brain’ — which is the transformation of your mind and the renewal of your thoughts, a.k.a. plastic changes.
Be made new in the attitudes of your minds…
Ephesians 4:23
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.
Isaiah 26:3
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
(Remember I mentioned Alisa Keeton earlier? This is part of what she says in her video… I may have added a thing or two.)
Alisa Keeton says…
Your brain is there to say: “As you wish…”
You tell it where to go…
The Bible talks about renewing your mind:
- Renew your mind and don’t conform to this world
- Set your mind on the things above and not below
What you focus on grows — what you’re aware of — you attract.
Renew your mind every morning — fill your mind with God’s thoughts, and His truth. So that when you go out into your day, you’ll be more aware of what God’s doing around you…
If your mind is ready, your brain goes — you tell it where to go — it says “as you wish…”
But here’s the thing — we’re born into sin — and sin has broken down the organization, structure, and operation of your brain.
The lies we believe breaks it down…
(the lies society, diet culture, social media, friends, and even family feed you…)
Your brain has these neural pathways that are crossed — not working the way they were designed to work.
That’s why if you renew your mind with God’s truth, then your brain can begin to shut down old thought patterns and open up new ones.
Even when you’re feelings of inadequacy are debilitating — remember — if your mind is ‘ready,’ your brain will go — as you wish…
God’s plan is for you to have the mind of Christ, so your brain can work the way He designed it so that you might have the mind of Christ.
“I am one in whom Christ dwells and delights. I live in the strong and unshakable kingdom of God. The kingdom is not in trouble and neither am I.”
— James Bryan Smith —
Your brain, in survival mode, has learned to “fight – flee – freeze” just to get through each moment — that’s a troubled mindset.
But an untroubled mindset remembers what Jesus said — His kingdom is not of this world. That there’s something greater for me than this fight — bigger than this self-perception / body image prison.
- Christ looks at you with compassion.
- He sees your brokenness, He sees how hard you try to fit in.
- He sees your heart and knows why you do what you do.
- His heart is full of empathy and compassion towards you.
- He doesn’t look at you with judgment. There is no condemnation — Jesus took care of that for you.
So now you have access to the throne of grace — enter it with confidence, knowing God’s kindness, grace, and mercy await you.
True empathy requires seeing others — and yourself — through God’s eyes.
Empathy: to be affected by someone else’s feelings — a connection to that person because you’ve been in their shoes.
Christ has empathy for you because you’re made in His image — you’re connected to Him. So everything you go through — He feels it.
He’s waiting for you to surrender your body image struggles to His throne of grace…
So you can be free!
True freedom is not the right to do whatever you want to do — freedom is doing what keeps you free.
When you don’t walk in that freedom, it hurts Him — because He empathizes.
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:15-16
So, back to the question at hand — how can you rewire your brain?
Here’s how…
Remember, God designed your brain to be flexible and adaptable.
Fill your mind with His thoughts, His love, and His grace. Meditate on His Word, and let His truth guide your thinking.
The Holy Spirit gives you the power to transform your mind and fully embrace the unique, exceptional creation that you are.
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
FREE Body Image Guides & Journals
1. Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton
2. Neuroplasticity: Healing the Brain from Psychological Disorders Through Biblical Meditation
3. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Neuroplasticity and Renewing Your Mind
Discovering the power of neuroplasticity is like unlocking a hidden treasure, perfectly designed for your journey with body image and self-love.
Here’s the big secret…
- Embracing Self-Love Development
Neuroplasticity shows how your thoughts and feelings can change — just like God’s love transforms hearts.
By planting seeds of positive thoughts rooted in His Word, nurturing yourself through the Holy Spirit’s compassion, and weeding out negativity through prayer — you can reshape how you see yourself and reclaim your worth.
With unwavering faith and consistent effort — you’ll cultivate self-love and acceptance, aligning your heart with your Abba Father’s deep love for you.
- Building Confidence
Think of neuroplasticity as your tool to create new pathways that strengthen positive beliefs about yourself— just as Jesus saw beauty in every soul.
As you challenge lies with His truth, your brain adapts. And over time, your confidence will reflect the love God has for you — His cherished daughter.
- Cultivating Resilience
With the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, you realize your mind is just as resilient as your spirit.
This helps you bounce back from self-perception struggles, knowing you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
When negative thoughts sneak in — you can replace them with God’s promises, strengthening your mental resilience and trust in His perfect design.

- Transforming Self-Criticism
Neuroplasticity, paired with God’s Word, equips you to recognize and replace self-critical thoughts.
By combining Scripture and prayer into your neuroplasticity exercises, you’ll find that over time — the grip of self-criticism will loosen. And your self-talk becomes more kind and compassionate, mirroring the love of Jesus.
- Embracing Self-Acceptance
With neuroplasticity, you’ll see that your mind can be trained to accept the beautiful truth of who you are in God’s eyes.
By consistently nurturing your thoughts with positivity, His grace, and love, you’ll reshape your mindset to one of self-acceptance.
Neuroplasticity becomes a divine tool in your journey of embracing the fullness of God’s lavish love and endless grace for your body and soul.
In short…
Neuroplasticity becomes your faithful ally — guiding you toward a deeper connection with your body, soul, and, most importantly, your Creator.
It provides real, actionable steps and the unwavering confidence that, through God’s grace, you can reshape your thoughts and embrace the identity He’s given you — loving and accepting yourself just as He does.
Next Steps…
Ready to start rewiring your brain?
Here are 3 simple yet powerful neuroplasticity exercises to guide you…
3 Neuroplasticity Exercises
First, quiet your mind and receive the kindness of God. Be loved by God — and from there — practice empathy towards yourself (and toward others).
To build new pathways do these 3 things… think new things, say new things, and do new things. This is literally how neuroplasticity happens.
(PRACTICE these attributes of empathy into your daily routine to change your brain. Because DOING — not just thinking — makes the difference.)
1️⃣ Think New Things
Meditate on Scripture and focus on how God sees you — His beautiful creation.
Reflect on verses that affirm your worth and beauty in His eyes.
Each time you think a positive, truth-filled thought, you begin to rewire your brain to reflect God’s perspective.
2️⃣ Say New Things
Speak life over yourself. Say what God says about you out loud — affirmations rooted in His truth.
Express gratitude for the body He gave you, acknowledging its strength and resilience.
Your words hold power — so let your ears need to hear your mouth say what your heart believes.
Speak words that reflect God’s love and acceptance.
3️⃣ Do New Things
Action changes everything!
Move out of your current state and engage in a physical activity that makes you feel alive, joyful, and confident.
Whether it’s walking, dancing, or any movement that brings you joy — do it with gratitude for what your body can do.
As you move — you’ll strengthen positive thoughts and remind your brain that you are strong and worthy.
Remember: Neuroplasticity isn’t just about thinking differently — it’s about doing.
What you do will teach your mind positive beliefs about you and your body.
As Richard Rohr says…
We don’t think our way into new ways of living, we live our way into new ways of thinking.
— Richard Rohr —
As you practice these steps with empathy, faith, and love, you’ll not only transform your relationship with your body — but also your heart.
Embrace this journey knowing you are unconditionally loved by God. 💖
By practicing neuroplasticity, you have the power to change how you see yourself. Let go of insecurity and step into the freedom of knowing you are beautifully made. You’ve got this! 💝
🤗 Sharing is caring! If this post was helpful — would you consider sharing it with a solopreneur friend who might also be struggling with mindset or messaging? Simply text her the link. Sharing the hope is what it’s all about!
And I’d love to hear from you — let me know in the comments if this helps you or what you’d like to see next! 😊
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