How To Practice Self Love: A Christian Woman’s Guide
Loving yourself doesn’t come easy when you struggle with body image issues. And that’s why I created this guide on how to practice self love… because you are worthy of love!
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So you decided to learn how to practice self love… I’m SO proud of you!
Because, as much as you “want to love yourself well,” sometimes you just don’t know how to take care of your own needs. Right?
I’ve been there my friend — I can 100% relate…
Even if the concept of self-love makes you feel uncomfortable and anxious — please, stay with me!
Because you’re gonna learn how to practice self love in super SIMPLE ways.
This article on ‘how to love yourself as a Christian woman,’ equips and prepares you to fight the battle of self-hatred and low self-esteem. So you can become free — confident — bold — and love yourself — at any size 😉.
In this guide on how to practice self love and self care you’ll learn 10 different ways to love yourself.
How To Practice Self Love
First, let’s look at the self love definition and talk a little bit about its traditional benefits…
What Is Self Love & What Are the Health Benefits?
Self-love means appreciating yourself!
This includes…
- being kind to yourself
- forgiving yourself
- not judging yourself
- trusting yourself
- understanding your worth
- setting healthy boundaries
- and prioritizing your needs.
Learning how to practice self love can benefit both your mental and physical health.
Mental Health Benefits
Prioritizing your own emotional well-being and mental health is key.
Embracing self-love improves various parts of your life struggles, including…
- self-acceptance
- self-esteem
- self-awareness
- and the ability to forgive.
Learning How to Practice Self Love can Improve Your Relationships Too…
When you step away from negative and toxic relationships and focus on loving yourself, it transforms how you connect with others.
When you learn how to practice self love, you’ll notice your interactions become more positive and more fulfilling, and you maintain healthy relationships with others.
- Nurtures Empathy: Practicing self-love fills your heart with kindness. This makes it easier for you to understand and feel for others.
- Calms Your Heart: Self-love practices help you respond to stress with grace and peace and it strengthens your inner resilience.
Physical Health Benefits
Including small acts of self-love in your daily life can also positively impact your physical health.
Prioritize Your Physical Needs
Regular exercise is a way of prioritizing your physical needs.
Exercising on a regular basis not only improves your overall body function and brain health — but also plays a crucial role in reducing anxiety and preventing diseases.
Healthy Eating as an Act of Self-Love
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could eat anything you want and not feel guilty about it?
Well, when you practice healthy eating as a form of self-love, you eat mindfully.
Eating mindfully simply means that you nourish your body with healthy choices (nutrient-dense foods), PLUS you get to enjoy your favorite foods without feeling guilty!
Now… as promised, here is your guide on how to practice self love as a Christian woman.

How To Practice Self Love and Self Care
You might be wondering…
“What does the Bible say about self-love?”
Let’s start by facing a hard reality…
As a Christian woman, you’re taught to put the desires and needs of others first. And if you have some spare time, you might consider taking care of your own needs and desires.
However, I’m here to share some good news — self-love is Biblical!
In Mark 12:31 — Jesus’ second greatest commandment is to “love your neighbor as yourself.”
This is where self-love is necessary…
Self-love is necessary. Mainly because Christ paid the price for your FREEDOM. So anything that holds you captive is not of God. (see point number 1 below…)
Loving yourself — even when you don’t like what you see — is honoring God. It’s like saying, “Thank you for creating me — and choosing me as your daughter.”
Self-love is also necessary because if you don’t love yourself, you might isolate yourself and avoid being around people. So, how will you love others if you don’t want to be around them?!
Wanna learn how to love yourself as a Christian woman?
Well, my beautiful friend, God speaks to you through His Word, so here are a few Bible verses on self love and 4 reasons why the Biblical view of self-love is important…
4 Reasons Why The Biblical View on Self-Love Is Important
1. God’s desire is for you to be free…
“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
Galatians 5:1
When you don’t love yourself, you can easily fall back into automatic behavior patterns.
The inner critic in you will say…
- you’re not good enough
- you’re not smart enough
- or that you’ll never amount to anything.
These lies will keep you in bondage and prevent you from living the abundant life God has called you to live.
2. For the benefits of self-love…
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
You’re a new creation in Christ!
That means that old — negative thoughts can be transformed into Godly thoughts.
When you get His heart — you get His eyes — you’ll see yourself as He sees you. Then, you’ll have a sense of relief, calm, and a freeing sense of self-confidence! All thanks to His unconditional love!
3. To bless others…
“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”
Colossians 3:14
When you love and accept yourself, you show up as the best version of yourself, and you’re able to serve others well.
4. For His glory…
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthans 10:31
Lastly, when you love yourself, you bring glory to God!
Everything you do should be for the glory of God…
And that includes a good self-care routine — even when you really don’t want to. When you love yourself, you’re taking care of the temple of the Holy Spirit — and that, my beautiful friend — brings glory to God.
What Does the Bible Say About Self-Love?
🤩 People Are Loving… 🤩
- True Self-Love: What Does It Mean to Love Yourself?
- 29 Powerful Bible Verses About Self-Love & Worth
- How To Overcome Inferiority Complex | 26 Simple Tips
- 105 Powerful Self-Care Sunday Quotes + Bible Verses
- Body Image: Embracing God’s Love
Why Do I Struggle To Love Myself?
Well, my beautiful friend — this is a tough question…
Maybe one of these applies to you…
- Society has this false high standard of what you should look like — and it can be crippling!
- Maybe the reasons are deep-rooted in past experiences… Maybe you weren’t loved by family members like you should’ve been (during childhood and into adulthood…). So how would you know how to love yourself?
- And remember, you have an enemy that’s tirelessly working to destroy you — many times, destruction starts in your mind.
Overcome Your Body Image Struggles…
Download your FREE 18-page “Body Image Redefined Fast Track” so you can begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God TODAY!

10 Steps To Love Yourself
Learn how to love yourself as a Christian woman by working on any of these 10 self-love habits…
10. Accept yourself just as you are
- prayerfully accept your perceived flaws.
- accept your past and your present.
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Colossians 2:6-7
In other words… live in a way that pleases Him. Be thankful for all He’s done for you. And part of being thankful is accepting yourself — just as He has accepted you — just as you are.
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
Check out all of the FREE Body Image Related Resources here!
- THE BEST Self-Love Journal for Christian Women
- Word Search Book for Christian Women on Self-Love
- The Self-Love Book For Women
- 7 of the Best Christian Body Image Books for Women
- 23 Perfect Self-Care Gifts for Christian Women
9. Practice Grace
- You’re not perfect and that’s 100% ok. You’re meant to function with purpose — not perfection 😉.
- Practice grace — forgive yourself for your past mistakes and for any hurt you may have caused yourself — or others.
- Treat yourself with kindness — just as you would treat your best friend.
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Ephesians 4:32
8. Take care of yourself
- Take care of your body, mind, and soul
- Nourish your body, get regular exercise, and enough sleep
- Take breaks when you’re overwhelmed, and set boundaries (say “no” when you need to)
- Do things that make you happy and spend time with people who love you and make you feel good about yourself.
“And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
Luke 12:15

7. Challenge your thoughts
- Align your thoughts with the truth of God’s word.
- Question and then change your negative or unhelpful thoughts into more positive and realistic ones.
“We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5
6. Stop Comparing
- You are one-of-a-kind 😊 Stop comparing yourself to others…
- Avoid social media comparison. Limit usage to under 30 minutes per day to reduce anxiety, loneliness, depression and FOMO, and improve overall well-being.
“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”
2 Corinthians 10:12 KJV
30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal
Grab your “30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal” and begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God TODAY!

5. Gratitude Journaling
- Staying present is a huge part of self-love.
- Journaling reminds you of all the blessings you have.
- And it benefits your spiritual growth.
It’s the little things that can make a big difference in your overall positive attitude.
Wanda Lambert
4. Give yourself a compliment
- Using faith-based self-love positive affirmations is a great way to reinforce your identity as God’s beloved child.
- Compliment yourself by setting a time of day, writing it down, or posting a note.

My body is a testament to God’s creativity — I marvel at His work.
Wanda Lambert
3. Speak to yourself as a friend
- Imagine comforting a friend who made a similar mistake.
- By showing self-compassion, you can move toward a more loving relationship with yourself.
- Positive self-talk helps you accept and (eventually) love yourself.
God’s love adorns me — I wear it with confidence and grace.
Wanda Lambert
2. Practice Mindfulness
- Mindfulness is a powerful way to increase self-love.
- And you become more self-aware of your feelings and thoughts.
I am very good…
Based on Genesis 1:31
1. Grow your relationship with Christ
The number one and most valuable advice I could ever give you is to seek God’s face.
Grow in your relationship with God by…
- Praying.
- Reading His Word.
- Sharing His Love with Others.
- When you get His heart, you get His eyes — you’ll see yourself as He sees you 💖.
- God is love. His grace, love, and mercy are the ultimate guide to self-love.
Prayer For Self-Love
Pray for self-love and self-acceptance and seek God’s love to replace negative self-talk.
You’re welcome to download the “Prayer for Self-Love Wallpaper” and keep it on your phone or computer.
Before I go, I’ll leave with this…
Learning how to practice self love as a Christian woman is about recognizing your worth in God’s eyes and caring for yourself as His beloved creation.
Next Steps…
Here are 3 simple steps to get you started on this journey of self-love:
- Practice Gratitude Journaling: Start a gratitude journal. Each day, write down things you’re thankful for, big or small. This helps you focus on the blessings in your life and see yourself through a lens of gratitude.
- Positive Self-Talk: Speak to yourself as you would to a dear friend. Replace critical thoughts with affirming and loving ones, reminding yourself that you’re a cherished daughter of God.
- Grow in Faith: Deepen your relationship with Christ through prayer and reading the Bible. As you grow closer to God, you’ll start to see yourself as He sees you – worthy, loved, and beautifully made.
Remember, self-love is a journey, not a destination. Take these steps today, and you’ll be on your way to a more loving and accepting relationship with yourself.
I hope this post on how to practice self love as a Christian woman helps you realize that loving yourself is not just okay — but necessary — so you can live free and confidently JUST AS YOU ARE.
🤗 Sharing is caring! If this post was helpful — would you consider sharing it with a friend who might also be struggling with body image? Simply text her the link. Sharing the hope is what it’s all about!
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