The Power of Grace: How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Through a Christian Perspective
This post is all about how to overcome self-sabotage through a Christian perspective. Especially as it pertains to your wellness goals and body image struggles.
Heads up! This post may contain affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you make a purchase — at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products I love and trust! Read my full disclosure here.
Have you ever wondered… What is self-sabotage?
Do you ever feel like you’re your own worst enemy when it comes to your body image and eating habits?
Me too! Self-sabotage is like an inner enemy that torments women — of all ages.
Causing you to experience frustration, discouragement, and hopelessness. As a Christian who has personally struggled with self-sabotage, I’m very familiar with those feelings, and I understand how challenging it can be.
However, there’s hope, my beautiful friend. And with God’s help, you can overcome it. My prayer is that by the end of this post, you’ll learn how to overcome self-sabotage through a Christian perspective. And trust Him to guide you to take that first — sometimes scary — step toward freedom.
Today, you have a front-row seat — you’re going to learn: What is self-sabotage? Why do we self-sabotage? The answers every Christian woman should know about.
Debilitating Self-Sabotage… How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Through a Christian Perspective
What is Self-Sabotage?
You’ve probably heard of self-sabotage and think it’s a harsh term.
Sadly, self sabotage is something we do to ourselves way too often!
And you need to understand what something is if you want to improve, right?
So let’s define self-sabotage…
Self-sabotage is when you act against your own best interests, hurting your mental health, physical health, or emotional health and blocking your goals.
It can be a conscious choice…
Here’s an example of conscious self-sabotage:
- Like binge-watching TV when you struggle with time management.
Or an unconscious action…
Here’s an example of unconscious self-sabotage:
- Like overcommitting to others and neglecting your own needs without realizing it.
And then there’s cognitive dissonance…
Cognitive dissonance happens when you feel uncomfortable because your actions and words don’t match your core beliefs.
- To ease this discomfort, you might change your behavior, thoughts, or even your goals.
It’s a self-destructive pattern that can show up in many ways…
It can look like this:
- procrastination
- negative self-talk
- substance abuse
- engaging in harmful relationships
- disorganization
- perfectionism
- indecisiveness
- low self-esteem
- imposter syndrome

It’s a Coping Mechanism…
You use it to cope with your feelings of shame, guilt, and unworthiness that usually tag along with body image and eating struggles.
It’s a constant battle and a vicious cycle…
And the cycle goes like this:
First, your negative emotions lead to self-destructive behaviors…
Then, they exacerbate those negative emotions.
So, maybe you feel guilty about eating something. And that guilt leads you to restrict your diet. However, restricting that “thing” you enjoy eating can lead to an intense craving and maybe binging…
Which only reinforces your negative self-image and feelings of guilt. I’m not gonna lie, this vicious cycle can be challenging to break. And it takes a good amount of grace and self-compassion to overcome.
The good news is that there’s hope, my beautiful friend!
With God’s power and the strength of grace — you can overcome negative behavior patterns and negative thoughts 🙌
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.
Self-Sabotage Example
Living with self-sabotage is similar to walking with a purse full of weights.
You’re not used to that extra weight, so — it slows you down…
That extra weight (self-sabotage) makes it harder for you to get to your destination — your freedom from self-sabotage.
But here’s the thing…
You don’t have to walk with that heavy backpack — the first solid step you can take to experience freedom is putting down the backpack…
Surrender it to the throne of grace — where Jesus Christ is waiting to help you get out of your own way.
Overcome Your Body Image Struggles…
Download your FREE 18-page “Body Image Redefined Fast Track” so you can begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God TODAY!

Surrendering your battles to God and trusting that He is the One who fights your battles is a solid step toward freedom. Don’t let self-sabotage hold you back any longer. God’s got you!
So, how do you know if you’re self-sabotaging?
Here’s a list of self-sabotaging patterns…
9 Self-Sabotage Behaviors
It’s super important that you recognize if you’re self-sabotaging.
So here are some of the most common signs or symptoms of self-sabotage…
- you have a tendency to start a project or set a personal goal, but you struggle to see it through
- you procrastinate — put things off til the last minute
- you engage in self-defeating behaviors like overeating, overspending, or drug abuse
- you avoid taking risks or trying new things because you fear failure and rejection
- you struggle accepting compliments…
- you neglect your health
- you stay in a job that makes you unhappy
- you keep toxic people in your life
- you try to make everyone happy to avoid conflict (I can 100% relate…)

Did any of these signs or symptoms of self-sabotage seem familiar?
If they did — it’s likely you’re self-sabotaging.
But WHY do I self-sabotage???
Understanding the Root Cause of Self-Sabotage
So, why do we get in the way of our own success?
Well, that’s a simple question with a highly complex answer… (just like God made you – unique and complex 😊).
And the root causes of self-sabotage will vary from person to person.
But I broke it down for you in easy-to-digest points.
Here they are…
1. Fear of failure and fear of success
- According to positive psychology, it’s common for insecurities and self-limiting beliefs to surface when approaching your deepest personal desires. Because in your subconscious mind — you’re afraid of success, failure, rejection, or the unknown. It’s like a defense mechanism…
- Your past experiences make you have low self-confidence in your ability to succeed. So what you do is unconsciously sabotage your efforts to succeed to protect yourself from the pain of failure.
- And believe it or not, the idea of reaching your goal can be terrifying… it means that you have to step out of your comfort zone and face the unknown. and that in and of itself can make your stomach turn 😳.
But the truth is failure is such a natural part of learning and growing… Sometimes God allows you to quote-unquote fail so you can turn to Him — for direction, strength, healing, and growth.
2. Low Self-Worth
This one, sadly, is pretty straightforward…
Unfortunately, you just aren’t able to grasp the belief that good things can be a part of your story — that you deserve to be happy or successful.
For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.
💖 Explore Related Posts 💖
The Power of Strength Training: From Self-Sabotage to Self-Love
Self-Sabotaging Meaning, Signs, and How to Stop
The Power of Strength Training: From Self-Sabotage to Self-Love
Weight Loss God’s Way: The Ultimate Guide To A Grace-First Approach
3. Past Trauma
Self-sabotaging behaviors can stem from your early years — childhood experiences.
Perhaps you experienced a series of traumatizing events or abuse…
First of all, let’s pause and acknowledge that it did happen. And I am SO sorry that it happened to you 💛.
Take away the enemy’s power over your trauma!
The absolute best thing you can do is to take that deep emotional oozing wound to the throne of grace. And surrender it to Christ.
He bore your pain… You don’t have to carry it any longer.
Ask Him to heal your heart and transform your mind. He’s your Creator — He can mend your broken pieces — for your benefit and for His glory!
The word of God says…
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.
(which leads us to number four…)
4. Negative Programming
This is when you’re conditioned to believe something that is not true.
Here’s an example…
Self-sabotaging is not your fault!
In many cases, it’s because people who didn’t know any better told you…
- you can’t do that…
- you’re not smart enough…
- you’re a girl — you’re not supposed to do that…
- that’s just how you are.
But guess what?
Those are all big fat lies!
Now that you’re aware — you can tap into God’s powerful and transforming grace — become free, and live a more fulfilling life.
Give Christ the chance to search and heal those hidden-tender places that need His healing touch…
(Learn how to rewire your brain through NEUROPLASTICITY)

5. Negative Self-Talk
How many times have you heard that inner voice that tells you
- I’m not good enough…
- I’m not smart enough…
- I’m not pretty enough…
- I’m not worthy enough…
What a debilitating feeling 😔
Listen… in Christ, you are good, smart, pretty, worthy, and all of those beautiful things!
You know why? Because your identity is in Him. And in Him, ALL things are good.
So ask God…
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24
How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Through a Christian Perspective
So far, you’ve learned what self-sabotage is, you saw a self-sabotage example, plus a list of self-sabotage behaviors — and you’re one step closer to understanding the root cause of self-sabotage…
Now it’s time to learn about overcoming self-sabotage through a Christian perspective.
As a Christian woman, you have direct access to the throne of grace…
Aaaand to powerful resources that, when coupled with God’s strength, prayer, and wisdom, you can:
- learn to overcome your fears…
- work on improving your low self-worth…
- transform your mind from negative programming…
- heal from past traumas…
- challenge negative self-talk…
6 Practical Tips to Overcome Self-Sabotage
1. Go to God…
Like, really go to God — seek His guidance, grace, and strength to undertake this transformative journey.
Then make a list of the self-sabotaging behaviors you identify with in this post.
When you identify your limiting beliefs, you can take your toxic thoughts… bring them into alignment with God’s truth.
Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as we think in our hearts, so we are.
2. Surrender your fears…
Another defining action. you can take is to surrender your fears and doubts to God. Trust that He has a plan for your life and that His plan is good and perfect.
3. Renew your mind…
Renew your mind with God’s truth. This means that you replace negative information with positive affirmations and self-talk. Seek God’s wisdom through prayer, reading the Word, attending women’s Bible study groups…
Philippians 4:8 reminds us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.
4. Community support…
It’s super important to talk about your struggles with another spiritually mature Christian woman, a leader at church, a like-minded individual, or a therapist who encourages you as you walk through your transformative journey.
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
Heads up! This post may contain affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you make a purchase — at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products I love and trust! Read my full disclosure here.
Check out all of the FREE Body Image Related Resources here!
Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence” by Sarah Young
Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life” by Emily P. Freeman
NLT Thrive Devotional Bible For Women
This FREE Resource can be super helpful too: Body Image Redefined A powerful 18-page fast-track guide designed exclusively for Christian women like you — ready to start your journey to overcoming your body image struggles TODAY!
5. Practice self-compassion…
Overall, self-sabotage can be a frustrating and debilitating behavioral pattern. But you can break free from the cycle of self-sabotage.
Treat yourself to self-care days (or even a few minutes a day). Practice kindness, understanding, patience, and forgiveness.
Embrace your uniqueness and value yourself as God’s precious daughter!
You’re not alone in this journey… God is with you every step of the way. So trust Him and allow Him to renew your mind and to love you well.
30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal
Grab your “30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal” and begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God TODAY!

6. Set realistic goals…
There are 18 inches between your head and your heart, but a lifelong worth of self-defeating behavior.
So, my beautiful friend, setting realistic goals can help you avoid the very thing you want to overcome — self-sabotage.
The first step toward your transformational journey is taking that first step. Act today! Pick one of these tips to begin with and take that first leap! Don’t let the enemy’s lies hold you back from your journey to overcoming self-sabotage.
With God, you’ve got this! 💖
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 timothy 1:7
This post was all about giving you a Christian perspective and some tips so you can overcome self-sabotage.
I hope my years of battling with self-worth and how God has transformed my heart will inspire you!
Continue to explore all my posts — written with love and the Holy Spirit’s guidance – just for you!
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