How To Build Self-Worth God’s Way: 12 Simple Steps
This post is all about how to build self-worth God’s way. These 12 steps will help you overcome your low sense of self-worth and guide you to have healthy self-esteem.
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When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you ever battle with low self-esteem and negative thoughts?
As a Christian struggling with self-worth, I can relate!
Diet culture is loud and social media has a way to drown out your inner peace — leaving you disconnected from your true worth.
It’s SO challenging — carrying these burdens every day — the weight of negative thoughts — the struggle with your own flaws — and the constant battle against the lies that you’re not good enough.
As a Christian woman, this challenge can feel even more pronounced when you try to reconcile these feelings with the teachings of Christ Jesus and the Word of God.
But here’s the good news…
Your worth is not measured by the reflection in the mirror, by your own abilities, or by the world’s standards.
As a cherished child of God, your true value is beautifully scripted in God’s Word 😊.
This post is an invitation to explore self-worth, not as the world defines it, but through God’s lens and undeserved grace. Today, we’ll unpack the differences between self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence, Bible verses on self-worth, and I’ll walk you through how to build self-worth God’s way.
How To Build Self-Worth God’s Way
Before we dive into the 12 steps on how to build self-worth God’s way, let’s clarify the differences between self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
Because these are often used interchangeably…
Understanding Self-Worth vs. Self-Esteem vs. Self-Confidence
I’m sure you’ve heard people say this…
- “Believe in yourself, you’re braver than you think.”
- “You’re enough, just as you are.”
- “Mistakes are proof that you’re trying.”
- “Keep going, your future self will thank you.”
- “Dream big, work hard, stay focused.”
And if I’m honest — I’ve said them a bunch of times!
But here’s the thing…
While these sayings are encouraging and filled with the greatest intentions, the underlying message is prideful. Because they’re based on…
- your own works
- self-reliance
- self-belief
- self-effort
- and self-sufficiency.
And they don’t necessarily acknowledge the need for God’s grace or His guidance.
So, let’s start fresh and make sure we have a clear understanding of the meanings and differences between self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
Worth: It’s the value assigned to something based on its price.
Think about this…
Jesus paid the ultimate price for you — how’s that for worth?! 🙌🏼
Self-Worth: Think of self-worth as the foundational rock of your identity — it’s deeply rooted in God’s lavish love and the truth of His Word.
- It’s recognizing you’re a beautiful daughter of God — created in His very image.
- Your sense of worth doesn’t waver with external circumstances.
- It’s a constant because it’s based on what your loving Father says about you.
- It’s about understanding your personal worth in the eyes of our Heavenly Father — regardless of your own strengths or weaknesses.
It’s not about who YOU are, but WHOSE you are…
wanda lambert
Self-Esteem: It’s how you perceive and value yourself. It’s based on your appearance, abilities, understanding, and experiences.
Now, self-esteem is often where we stumble…
It’s closely tied to…
- your feelings of insecurity
- your past mistakes
- and the negative self-talk you often battle.
In Christian settings, self-esteem can be a controversial topic because it sometimes focuses too much on your own efforts and achievements, outweighing the role of grace and the Holy Spirit in your life.
Self-Confidence: This is about how much confidence you have in your abilities to handle life’s challenges, make the right decisions, and achieve your goals.
It’s important, BUT without a solid foundation in your true identity as a child of God, this confidence can lead you down the wrong path – relying on your own righteousness instead of God’s.
Why Understanding the Difference Matters
Knowing the difference helps you navigate your journey toward a healthy self-image.
- It’s the first step in replacing your negative thoughts with positive Bible-based truth.
- It’s about aligning your confidence with God’s purpose for you — not on society’s views.
What Does God Say About Self-Worth?
You know, we’re constantly bombarded with messages…
Some are subtle — like the edited pictures on your social media feed.
Others are more in-your-face — like a doctor suggesting weight loss as a cure-all.
It’s clear my friend…
What the world tells us is completely different from what God tells us in the Bible.
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- 101 Body Image Affirmations for Christian Women
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First, God thinks you’re incredibly valuable!
How do I know?
Well, the Bible is full of verses that highlight this fact…
Honestly, you don’t have to go too far in the Bible to read that we’re made in God’s image.
Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in His own image.”
And shortly after Genesis 1:27, God says you’re “very good.”
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
Genesis 1:31
Another powerful Bible scripture on how to build self-worth God’s way is Psalm 139, verses 13 and 16…
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13, 16
A perfect God created you!
And says that He knows you even before you were born and has great plans for you.
That means He cares about every part of your life.
It’s not about how popular or successful you are or even if you sometimes mess up.
To God, you’re worth so much more than all of that!
(Just a bit more to go — we’re almost at the 12 steps on how to build self-worth God’s way! 😊)
Now, here’s how this is different from what we often hear elsewhere…
A lot of times, people might think their worth comes from having lots of money, being really good at something, what they look like, or what others think of them.
But God’s way is different…
He says your worth comes from being His unconditionally loved child.
So, remember, when you’re feeling down or comparing yourself to others, think about what God says.
You Were Purchased with the Blood of Jesus. You’re Loved. You’re Valuable. You’re Made for a Purpose.
That’s the true measure of your worth!
And that’s something no one can take away from you, not even on your most challenging days.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that you’re priceless in God’s eyes?
You’re way more valuable than the most precious treasures on earth!
(Now, here’s how to build self-worth God’s way…)
12 Practical Steps on How to Build Self-Worth God’s Way
1. Embrace Your Identity in Christ
First and foremost, remember you’re special because you’re created in God’s image and purchased at the highest price.
Your self-worth is a beautiful gift, your true self-worth doesn’t come from hard work, from what you have or achieve, but by being God’s beloved daughter.
- Write a list of qualities or talents you have.
- Ask yourself how these reflect God’s work in you.
2. Daily Bible Reading
- Strengthen this truth by reading the Bible every day.
- When you replace common lies with Biblical truth, you create an environment for a renewed mind.
3. Daily Prayer
- Dedicate a part of your day to talk with God.
- Tell Him what’s on your mind and listen for His guidance.
4. Start Each Day with a Positive Affirmation
- Write down a Bible verse that speaks about your worth in God.
- Each morning, remind yourself of the unique qualities that make you special and the love God has for you with Bible affirmations.
5. Serve Others
- Doing good deeds and loving others also helps build a positive self-image and self-confidence.
- Reflect on how serving others makes you feel about your own value.
Overcome Your Body Image Struggles…
Download your FREE 18-page “Body Image Redefined Fast Track” so you can begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God TODAY!

6. Replace Negative Thoughts with God’s Words
- When you feel less than, ugly, ashamed, unsuccessful, or fear of failure, remember God’s opinion of you.
- Counter your negative self-perceptions with His truth and promises.
- His words are way more powerful than any self-doubts.
(more steps on how to build self-worth God’s way…)
7. Practice Forgiveness
- Write a letter of forgiveness (you don’t have to send it) to someone or even to yourself.
- Reflect on how forgiveness impacts your self-worth.
8. Get Support
- Connect with your church family — talk with someone like your pastor’s wife or a small church group.
- It’s good to talk with others about how they see their worth in God.
- Share your struggles (and victories) and grow together.
9. Journal
- End each day by jotting down three things you’re grateful for.
- Reflect on how these blessings show God’s love for you. (This can go a long way in building a healthy self-image and confidence levels.)
- Choose a promise from the Bible each week. Journal about what this promise means for your life.
💖 Super Helpful Resources 💖
30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal
Check out all of the FREE Resources here!
10. Create a Vision Board
- Make a board with images and words that reflect your identity in Christ and God’s plans for you.
11. Trust in God’s Plan
- Self-confidence is really about trusting God’s plan for you.
- This means trusting in Him — even when it’s hard.
The last step on how to build self-worth God’s way is…
12. Share Your Journey
- Share your experiences with a trusted friend or mentor.
- Discuss how these steps are helping you grow in your faith and self-worth.
Well, my beautiful friend, I sincerely hope these steps on how to build your self-worth God’s way and guide you to see yourself through God’s loving lens and abounding grace.
➡️➡️➡️ DO THIS TODAY: Starting 12 steps all at once might seem daunting, so just pick one to begin with and take that first leap! Don’t let the enemy’s lies hold you back from your journey to self-worth 💖.
Remember this…
You’re not just worthy — you’re a reflection of the very image of God. You are cherished, you are loved, and you are enough – always.
This post was all about giving you a roadmap on how to build self-worth God’s way.
My prayer for you is that my decades of experience of — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-worth struggles — and how God has radically worked on my heart will bless and inspire you!
You’re Invited…
You have an open invitation to binge on all of my posts — written with Holy Spirit-inspired words and filled with love just for you — my beautiful friend.
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