What is Grace? How God Sees You vs. How You See Yourself
What is grace? Discover how God’s unchanging grace sets you free from self-doubt and transforms how you see yourself. Ready to step into confidence and TRUE freedom? (You’ll learn the Biblical definition of grace.)
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Grace leads to freedom…
That’s why Grace Abounds Wellness is all about helping you break free from self-doubt. I’m here to guide you into real confidence—both in who you are and how you show up in the world. With a grace-filled approach, we’ll tackle those limiting beliefs together and build a mindset that helps you thrive in business and life. (I’ve got you 😉)
Here’s what you’ll learn…
- The Biblical meaning of grace, and what that means to you.
- The difference between how God sees you and how you see yourself.
- To let go of the need to be perfect.
So, my beautiful friend, if you’re not really sure what grace looks like in your life — or maybe you’ve never really thought about it — this post is for you!
You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of what grace truly means and how it can transform your life. You’ll feel free and equipped with the truth that only comes through faith in Christ Jesus!
(There’s a bonus for you at the end — so read all the way through 🤗)
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…
Matthew 11:28 MSG
What is Grace?
If you grew up in church, you may have a concept of grace. Or maybe you’ve heard it described as…
- The gift of God
- The unmerited favor of God
- God’s undeserved favor
Or maybe you’ve heard of the word charis — which is the Greek word for grace.
And if you’re anything like me, you love a good definition…
Let’s start off with the biblical meaning of grace.
What is Grace in the Bible?
- Grace is a core principle of Christian theology, and it’s fundamental to understanding God’s unconditional love for you.
- The word grace in Greek is charis. And it also means loving-kindness and life.
This paints a beautiful picture of God’s heart toward us, doesn’t it?!
You see…
He knows we have a sinful nature.
He knows we’re incapable of saving ourselves.
We can’t be saved through good deeds, good works, or ANYTHING of our own doing — as much as we try — it just isn’t possible.
So, where does that leave us?
Well, that leaves us in desperate need of a Savior…
And God, being the gracious God He is…
Displayed the ultimate act of grace when He sent His Son to die on the cross.
- He did this to redeem you, me, and all mankind—giving us the incredible gift of grace and the precious gift of salvation.
- Jesus is the embodiment of grace — God’s free gift to us. He is the only way we can receive God’s forgiveness and live an eternal life with our Savior Jesus Christ.
- The gift of salvation comes through grace alone.
And that, my beautiful friend, is the grace of God.
Isn’t God amazing?!
Let’s go a little deeper.
Let’s see how grace shows up in your everyday life.

What is Grace in Your Daily Walk?
In our Christian life — grace is EVERYTHING!
Grace leads to freedom. And isn’t that what you REALLY want?
- Freedom from the negative thoughts that keep you stuck.
- Freedom from self-doubt that paralyzes your progress.
- Freedom from the “I can’t” mentality that holds you back.
- Freedom from shame, guilt, self-sabotage, and the fear of never being enough.
What’s the difference between how God sees you and how you see yourself?
The love of God is relentless…
His unconditional love wraps you up — even when you feel broken to pieces.
Christ’s death on the cross defeated EVERYTHING you struggle with.
It’s the gift that says, in Christ, “You are enough.”
- His grace sets you free where your negative thoughts once kept you stuck.
- It moves you forward when self-doubt paralyzes your progress.
- It allows you to thrive where shame, guilt, and fear used to hold you back.
- Regardless of your weaknesses or mistakes, you are loved just as you are.
You, my friend, are a beloved daughter of God. PERIOD.
There’s nothing you can do for Him to love you more…
There’s nothing you can do to make Him love you less…
Let that sink in for a second — the unconditional, unwavering love of God never changes, no matter what.
We’re always striving, but what if, instead, you could find peace and rest in those words? There’s truly nothing you can do to make Him love you more OR less!
That should be enough to lift the weight of needing to be perfect!
(But I know my people, so let’s get real…)
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💖 Explore Related Posts 💖
- Grace of God: Understanding the FULL Meaning of Grace
- The Power of Grace: How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Through a Christian Perspective
- Wellness Wednesday Tips & Ideas with A Touch of Grace
Now, let’s be real…
How many times a day do you treat yourself like the precious daughter of the most High King?
I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely my worst critic (something tells me you’re nodding along, saying, “Me too.”).
Would you agree that…
- criticizing
- self-sabotaging
- condemning
- guilt
- shame
- low self-worth…
…all stem from the same lie?
Sadly, we’ve mastered the art of putting ourselves down…
But that is no way to treat a princess — bought a the highest price — through the great love and grace of Jesus’ death on the cross!
They say value is determined by the price tag on something.
Well, my beautiful sister, your value is immeasurable and beyond comparison. You were bought at the most expensive rate ever!
Jesus laid down His life for you ♥️.
From here forward, you’ll find Bible verses to help you see how the God of all grace sees you…
“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
Genesis 1:27
- Your Heavenly Father doesn’t see you the way you look at yourself…
- Your value starts with this simple truth: you were designed by the hand of the Creator — in His very image.
- Your worth isn’t based on your size, weight, appearance, what you own, how smart you are, or whether you have a thriving business.
- You are beautiful and perfect in His eyes!
Grace in the Bible means — letting go of the need to be perfect…
Romans 5:20 says, “…but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more”.
I don’t know about you, but this verse, “…but where sin increased, grace abounds all the more,” — simply blows👏my👏mind!
God is SO good!!!
It means that no matter how short you fall, God’s grace is…
- more powerful
- more aggressive
- more lavish
- and more endless than you could ever imagine.
It doesn’t matter how great the sin is…
Grace will ALWAYS win over sin!
Can we just take a moment to say THANK YOU JESUS and give Him praise for His goodness, mercy, love, and faithfulness?
I digress, lol!
To understand grace — we must first understand the heart of God — the nature of God.
The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. Psalm 103:8 NIV
God of grace isn’t waiting to condemn you when you mess up — instead, He’s full of compassion, slow to anger, and overflowing with love.
The second part of understanding grace is recognizing our own brokenness.
We all fall short, and that’s exactly where grace steps in. None of us can do this on our own — not in life, not in business, and certainly not in our walk with God. We need His grace because we’re flawed and human.
But here’s the beautiful part…
- You don’t have to stay stuck in that brokenness.
- And you don’t have to work for it.
The moment you TRULY believe this in your heart — you can finally let go of the need to be perfect…
- To look a certain way — like fitting into a specific dress size or having flawless skin.
- To be a certain way — like always being calm, confident, or successful.
- To have this, that, or the other — like the perfect house, career, or bank account.
💖 Super Helpful Resources 💖
30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal
Check out all of the FREE Body Image Related Resources here!
I highly recommend this book: Live In Grace – Walk in Love. It provides you with a year’s worth of inspiring, unexpected, humble teachings on grace and love that will prepare you for the day ahead.
Because (listen closely)…
In Christ, you’re already perfect!
You’re already accepted and loved by God — just as you are. There’s no need to strive to earn His love or approval.
So, breathe easy, rest in His grace, and find freedom in His never-ending love for you.
Christ’s death on the cross defeated EVERYTHING you struggle with. Grace lifts you from the weight of perfectionism, shame, and self-doubt. It frees you to live as a beloved daughter of God, even in your brokenness.
And here’s the best part…
This grace is available to you, every single day. You don’t have to earn it or prove yourself worthy. It’s already yours because of Christ’s sacrifice.
So, beautiful friend…
If there’s one takeaway — well, two takeaways — here they are…
- We are sinners in desperate need of a Savior, and that’s where grace comes in. Because Jesus died on the cross, we are forgiven and have a relationship with God the Father.
- Grace gives you the power to live by the Holy Spirit. It empowers you to do what you never thought possible — to be gracious and kind to yourself, just as God is gracious and kind to you.
Grace is giving people what they need, even when they don’t deserve it.
Starting with yourself…
Next Steps…
Now that you’ve seen how grace touches every part of your life, let’s put this into action.
Here are your Next Steps to help shift your mindset so you can approach your business with confidence and grace and live each day knowing you’re enough in Christ.
What is Grace: Mindset Shift
It’s not about who YOU are or what YOU’VE done — it’s about WHOSE you are.
You belong to the King of kings, and that changes everything.
Your identity isn’t defined by your past mistakes, your flaws, or your limitations — it’s anchored in Christ.
When the enemy fills your mind with lies — like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never measure up” — remember that Christ’s grace has already won the battle. You don’t need to fight for perfection because, in Christ, you’re already enough.
Grace takes away the pressure to strive and replaces shame with confidence. You no longer have to live by the world’s standards or your insecurities!
You can stand firm in your God-given daughtership, knowing that the One who created you calls you loved, redeemed, and enough. His grace covers every failure, every fear, and every weakness.
- DO THIS: Write this truth down and place it where you can see it daily: “I am not defined by my mistakes, but by God’s grace. I am His.”

What is Grace? Business Mindset
Your worth in business isn’t measured by success or failure.
The world may tell you your value comes from what you achieve or how perfect your work is — but that’s not where your confidence lies.
You’re confident in Christ — not in your accomplishments.
God’s grace is enough for every shortcoming, every fear, and every missed mark.
In business, you will face challenges — doubt, fear of failure, and setbacks. But remember, God’s grace covers it all. His grace fuels you to keep moving forward, even when it’s hard!
You don’t have to strive for perfection because His grace gives you the ability to operate from a place of rest. You don’t need to have all the answers or be perfect.
Instead, you’re called to surrender your business to God. Trust His strength and wisdom over your own. When you let go of control — you let His grace guide every decision, every step, and every opportunity.
- DO THIS: Start your workday by surrendering your goals to the throne of grace. Pause before diving into tasks and pray: “Lord, guide me today. Help me to do this work for Your glory and trust Your grace in every decision.”
Trust that He will lead you, provide for you, and equip you for what’s ahead. His grace will empower your business because it’s not by your strength — but by His Spirit.
What is Grace: Life Application
Just as God freely gives you grace — you must offer it to yourself.
It’s okay to be imperfect.
In fact, it’s through your weakness that His power shines. Grace means letting go of the pressure to have it all together and trusting that He’s with you in every moment. When you do, you will experience the peace of God — a peace that surpasses all understanding and comforts you, even in the hardest moments.
- DO THIS: At the end of the day, reflect on how God’s favor carried you through and write down one way you experienced His grace that day. Let it remind you of His constant love and support.
And remember, live for the glory of God, and you’ll be ok. As Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
When you trust God and focus on Him, everything else falls into place.
Here’s the little bonus I promised you…
How do you find comfort and strength in God?
When I’ve had a weak moment (or two or three…) and indulged, I tend to be super hard on myself, just like you…
But then…
The Holy Spirit reminds me: if Christ is gracious to forgive us, that should be sufficient for me (and you). So, do yourself a favor and forgive yourself — ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your emotions — no matter how painful they may be.
Because His goodness is greater.
His comfort and love wildly surpass the comfort found at the bottom of a pint of ice cream...
… My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Ready for some tough love?
When you dwell on your imperfections, you’re basically saying that you have the power and control.
But the truth is…
You Don’t.
- You’re weak and vulnerable, but God…
- You stand behind a mighty God, and it is He who equips you.
It’s only through the grace of God that you’re able to accomplish anything. If you can achieve anything, it’s only because the power of Christ is made perfect in you!re able. If you can accomplish anything, it is only because the power of Christ is made perfect in you!
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Always remember…
The grace of God is a gift.
You can’t earn it, but you get a lot of it.
It’s free, abundant, and overflowing.
When you go to God in heartfelt prayer, He’ll always give you what you need.
Forget about worrying whether you’re getting what you deserve — grace is getting so much more than you deserve. – BibleStudyTools.com
This post was all about what is grace and how God’s unchanging grace sets you free from self-doubt, empowering you to see yourself through His eyes and step boldly into the confidence and true freedom He’s already given you!
🤗 Sharing is caring! If this post was helpful — would you consider sharing it with a solopreneur friend who might also be struggling with mindset or messaging? Simply text her the link. Sharing the hope is what it’s all about!
And I’d love to hear from you — let me know in the comments if this helps you or what you’d like to see next! 😊
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