Lack of Confidence in Your Christian Entrepreneurship
What if you could trade fear for freedom and doubt for confidence? In this post, you’ll learn how to step into Christian entrepreneurship with clarity, peace, and purpose. Imagine the joy of fully trusting God’s plan and finally feeling confident in your calling — this is your moment to thrive!
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Have you ever felt like you weren’t enough?
I have. For decades, I fought the relentless voices that said I was too flawed, too unworthy, and too small to make any kind of real impact — in business or life.
I didn’t even know what to call it — low self-esteem, self-doubt — I just knew I was scared. Deep down I was terrified. Terrified of failing. Terrified of being seen. Terrified that I would never be enough.
There came a broken, messy, turning point in my life when I simply couldn’t keep going like that. If I wanted the freedom, I needed to do something different.
Terrified and exposed, I cried out, “Search me, O God,” and surrendered it all — the fear, the doubt, the need to control — at the throne of grace.
That surrender gave me the peace and humble confidence to step into my God-given purpose and help women like you break free from fear and fully embrace Christian entrepreneurship.
If you’ve felt stuck, battling the fear that holds you back, you’re not alone. Let’s uncover the struggles, find the freedom, and step into your Christian entrepreneurship with clarity and purpose.
Ready? Let’s go!
Have you ever wondered if being a Christian entrepreneur is “okay”?
Maybe you’ve felt like Christianity and business don’t mix — or worried that building a Christian business might come across as too self-serving.
When you’re in alignment with God…
You can absolutely be a Christian entrepreneur.
In fact, your faith is what makes your business stand out.
The Bible is packed with examples of people who used their gifts for the Kingdom of God.
- Think about the Apostle Paul — he was a tentmaker who supported his ministry through his trade.
- Or take Proverbs 31 — she’s the ultimate example of a woman of strong faith — managing her household and her business with wisdom and grace.
Being a Christian entrepreneur is about living out the principles of faith-driven entrepreneurship: putting people over profit, leading with integrity, and trusting that when your work aligns with God’s purpose, it can have a lasting, positive impact.
And let’s be real — being a Christian woman solopreneur isn’t just about making money. It’s about using your beautiful God-given gifts to serve people’s needs, create a lasting impact, and glorify Him through it all!
Here’s the best part…
Faith and business don’t just “go together” — they make each other stronger. When you build a Christian business rooted in Christian values, you’re doing more than creating a livelihood. You’re stewarding the gifts God has entrusted to you.
And isn’t that what being a faithful servant is all about?
Unstuck & Unstoppable
Get your FREE Guide 👉 5 Steps to Beat Self Doubt & Master Your Business Message. So you can be confident and craft a message that connects with and magnetically attracts the RIGHT audience.

The Root Causes of Lack of Confidence
Let’s be real — confidence doesn’t just vanish overnight. (I mean the Holy Spirit is 100% capable — but I’m speaking in ‘sinful human nature’ terms…)
And when you’ve made some progress, the cracks start to show.
- Maybe it’s a mistake that lingers in your mind.
- Or a harsh word from someone you trusted.
- Fear sneaks in after a setback.
- Doubt whispers louder after a “no.”
- And then there’s comparison — stealing your joy every time you “scroll around” or watch others in the business world who seem to have it all together.
For many Christian entrepreneurs, the struggles with confidence go waaay deeper than surface-level doubts. It’s not just about reaching business goals or hitting milestones — it’s about grappling with questions of self-worth, purpose, and identity.
These challenges touch the core of who you are spiritually and personally, making you question whether you’re truly aligned with God’s calling for your life and business. touching not just your business goals but personal and spiritual identity.
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One major root cause of low self-esteem is the fear of failure. It’s that nagging voice that says,
- What if this doesn’t work?
- What if you mess this up?
- What if you’re just not good enough?
It keeps you stuck, afraid to take risks or step into the unknown.
And then there’s comparison — you scroll through social media, see someone crushing it, and suddenly you’re convinced that you’ll never measure up to their business success or shiny business model.
But the DEEPEST struggle is… Self-Doubt
- The constant second-guessing.
- The “Am I even cut out for this?”
- “Is this really what God wants for me?”
You constantly question your abilities, decisions, and even your worth.
And let’s not forget how easy it is to question your worth when you’re not even sure of your calling.
The Bible reminds you of your immeasurable worth, but doubt has a sneaky way of clouding that truth.
Psalm 139 says you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” — but how often do you wholeheartedly believe it?
- When fear grips you…
- When doubt whispers its relentless lies…
- When comparison steals your joy…
You don’t see yourself through God’s eyes.
Doubt and negative body image chip away at your confidence.
It holds you back from fully stepping into the ground-breaking business opportunities and God-given purpose waiting for you.
But here’s the good news — it doesn’t have to stay that way!
When you bravely call out these struggles for what they are — the deep-rooted causes of your doubt and fear — you take the first bold step toward freedom!
💖 Super Helpful Resources 💖
30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal
Check out all of the FREE Resources here!
Recognizing them allows you to see the bigger, brighter picture and the positive impact God designed you to make.
And with that first courageous step — you can finally move forward with clarity, unshakable confidence, and unwavering trust in the beautiful life and purposeful business He has prepared just for you.
How Lack of Confidence Affects Your Business
A lack of confidence doesn’t just sit in your head — it spills out into every part of your business operations.
- It makes decision-making feel impossible.
- Keeps you from setting those bold-exciting goals.
- Weakens your ability to truly connect with your audience.
You hesitate, second-guess yourself, overthink, or even avoid incredible business opportunities altogether because fear whispers, “What if you fail?”
Lack of Confidence Symptoms…
The symptoms of low confidence often show up in SO many ways!
Physically — it looks like anxiety, exhaustion, or procrastination.
Spiritually — it feels like doubting your God-given purpose or avoiding what you know deep down He’s calling you to do.
Maybe you struggle to live out Christian principles in your work or wonder if your actions align with the teaching of Jesus or what it means to honor Him in your business model.
Take Moses, for example. He doubted his ability to lead, argued with God, and even asked Him to pick someone else — a perfect example of lack of confidence in the Bible.
Yet God didn’t leave Moses in his doubt. Instead, He used Moses in powerful, life-changing ways, turning his weaknesses into a testimony for the Kingdom of God and a true positive impact.
Unstuck & Unstoppable
Get your FREE Guide 👉 5 Steps to Beat Self Doubt & Master Your Business Message. So you can be confident and craft a message that connects with and magnetically attracts the RIGHT audience.

Building “Godfidence” Over Self-Confidence
So what’s the difference between confidence and Godfidence?
Confidence is about trusting your own abilities.
Godfidence, on the other hand…
- Is about trusting in God’s unmatched strength and perfect wisdom.
- It’s about having confidence in Scripture and knowing that His promises never fail.
- It’s shifting your perspective from “I can’t” to “He can.”
Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength”
My friend — you’re never operating alone!
This mindset isn’t just freeing — it’s empowering!
As a faith-driven entrepreneur, you’re not striving for success on your own. You’re working in step with God’s plan, building your own business on a foundation of biblical principles.
Godfidence gives you what every Christian entrepreneur needs — a clear sense of purpose and boldness to pursue it. It takes the pressure off of you and places it in God’s hands, allowing you to focus on being a faithful steward.
With this shift, you’re well on your way to possessing the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs — who trust God deeply and lead with integrity.
When you have Godfidence, you’re not just chasing goals — you’re partnering with the Lover of your soul to create a legacy that reflects His glory.
Next Steps…
Well, there you have it, my beautiful friend — the key to stepping into Godfidence and becoming one of those successful entrepreneurs who operates with a deep commitment to faith.
The Bible is full of wisdom to guide entrepreneur Christians like you. It has a bunch of confidence in God verses and truths to remind you of how powerful He was, is, and will be!
Now, here are some practical steps to help you build that confidence in God and grow as a Christian entrepreneur.
Practical Steps to Build Confidence in God as a Christian Entrepreneur
Pick one of these steps to start TODAY — and take that first faith-filled move forward. Once you’ve chosen, I’d love to hear about it!
Leave a comment below and share which step you’re starting with. Your action might just inspire someone else to take their next step!
- Pray Boldly: Start each day with open, honest prayers, asking God for clarity, wisdom, and courage to pursue the business ventures He’s laid on your heart.
- Study the Word: Reflect on Bible verses for confidence and courage, like Joshua 1:9 — “Be strong and courageous… the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
- Surround Yourself with Support: Join a community of faith-driven entrepreneurs who will encourage and challenge you to grow both spiritually and professionally.
- Speak Truth Over Doubt: Write down self-esteem Bible verses and declare them over yourself when doubt sneaks in.
- Trust the Process: Remember, confidence doesn’t happen overnight. It grows as you take small, faith-filled steps forward.
Just one small step in faith can lead to incredible growth. When you lean on God’s promises and His strength, your confidence doesn’t come from what you can do — it comes from what He can do through you.
Who knew? Jesus Christ and YOU — business partners making a difference together 😊
Every step you take in faith is a win against self-doubt! Your confidence grows when you lean on God’s purpose instead of your own abilities. Trust Him with your Christian entrepreneurship, my beautiful friend — because when you do, you’re not just building something amazing, you’re creating a legacy that honors Him and blesses others.
If you haven’t done so already — grab your free guide to overcoming self-doubt and mastering your business message here! And your 12 Bible Verses for the Struggling Solopreneur here.
🤗 Sharing is caring! If this post was helpful — would you consider sharing it with a solopreneur friend who might also be struggling with mindset or messaging? Simply text her the link. Sharing the hope is what it’s all about!
And I’d love to hear from you — let me know in the comments if this helps you or what you’d like to see next! 😊
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