71 Body Neutral Affirmations for Christian Women
This post is all about body neutral affirmations. As a Christian woman, your identity is rooted in Christ. So get ready for some Bible-based body neutrality affirmations that will shift your mindset from body positivity to body neutrality to body acceptance.
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You’ve heard of the body positivity movement, right?
Well, in this post, you’re gonna learn the difference between body positivity and body neutrality.
Cause listen…
With a new social movement popping up every year (at least it seems like it…) — you just don’t know who to listen to anymore!
On social media, some argue that being body-positive is toxic — while others are die-hard followers.
But honestly…
As a daughter of a wonderful and loving Father, you (and I) are called to be a good steward of the gift God gave you — YOUR BODY.
So as a Christian woman with body image struggles — you need to have all of the facts.
And that is why I encourage you to read through…
So you are informed. Today you will learn why body neutrality and self-acceptance are better for your physical health and your mental health and will guide you to have a healthier relationship with your precious gift — your body.
What is Body Positivity?
Before we get into the body neutrality movement and what it stands for — I’d like to talk to you about the body positivity movement, is that ok?
So the body positive movement started way back in the 60’s — centered on accepting diverse body shapes and body sizes. (Sounds harmless, right?)
That was a loooong time ago.
And since then, it has gained momentum and evolved…
In recent years, it became super popular on social media…
Influencers began to voice the injustice of marginalizing women because of their body types and body weight.
Their mission is to fight against society’s unrealistic beauty standards.
Can we agree that their mission aligns nicely with our command as Christians — love God and love others?
Today, it’s known for inclusivity of…
- Size
- Shape
- Gender
- Race
- Skin Tone
- Abilities
- Individuality
Some of the body positive movements’ evolved views may not be conducive to our Christian faith or a healthy lifestyle.
For example:
- Promoting fat acceptance. While you should love your body because it’s a gift from God, this may send the wrong message — that it’s ok to neglect your physical health AND mental health.
- Love your body unconditionally. This sounds like grace to me — so yes, I’m all for it! But… you don’t have to LIKE every-single-part-of-your-body. Let’s be real, there are some “things” we could do without (or is it just me 😳?).
- Emotional health. Disregarding the WHY… Many of us are emotional eaters. So an eating disorder (or disordered eating) might be a byproduct of unresolved negative feelings.
- Gender identity. The Bible states that God created man and woman. So, while we love and receive everyone, we should not endorse this.
Do you see how what started with a good intention got twisted along the way?
The original message of inclusivity and justice has become a platform for self-praise and body idolatry (no bueno).
This leaves body positivity’s message in the same bucket as societal unrealistic standards…
Placing too much value on our ever-fading physical appearance and beauty.
Charm can be misleading, and beauty is vain and so quickly fades, but this virtuous woman lives in the wonder, awe, and fear of the Lord. She will be praised throughout eternity.
Proverbs 31:30 TPT
Now, let’s shift to today’s topic — body neutrality…
What is Body Neutrality?
The body neutrality movement began circa 2015…
And is all about shifting the focus from your physical appearance to focusing on what your body can do and how it feels.
The concept of body neutrality focuses on body respect and body acceptance.
Accepting your beautiful self just as God designed you 😉. Even when you’re not 100% pleased with what you see in the mirror.
Which means…
- No obsessing — instead, being body neutral means that you embrace the functionality and strength of your body.
- You respect your body — not body idolatry. It’s kinda like the middle ground… It’s not a love-or-hate relationship with your body (or certain body parts).
- Freedom from societal beauty standards and pressure. You accept and appreciate your body for the incredible vessel it is (that’s the goal!).
- Your worth isn’t determined by your looks. But by your identity in Christ (also the goal!).
The ultimate message of the body neutrality movement is to encourage you to shift your mindset from appearance to function.
(And that, my friend, is where the body neutral affirmations come in… we’re getting to them shortly — promise!)
Body Neutrality vs Body Positivity
Let’s recap…
Body neutrality empowers you to appreciate your body for what it can do and feel.
Body positivity empowers you to praise and idolize your body for its appearance.
Is body neutrality better than body positivity?
As a Christian woman, anything that shifts your focus from God is an idol…
(No judgment, condemnation, or guilt sis, only grace.)
Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior].
Romans 8:1 AMP
The goal is to…
- have a heart posture of gratitude.
- enjoy a healthy relationship with your body.
- care for your body for the ability to live out God’s purpose for you — not for vanity.
And THAT is why body neutral affirmations are SO important!
Why Should You Use Affirmations?
I’ll tell you why 😊…
Your thoughts, words, and new experiences renew your mind…
Have you ever heard of the term NEUROPLASTICITY?
(It’s fascinating and will transform the way you think — literally!)
In a nutshell…
Neuroplasticity means the human brain can change and adapt.
Based on…
- what you think
- what you say
- what you experience
In other words…
You can rewire your brain by thinking new things, saying positive affirmations, and doing activities that challenge you.
This rewiring can help you break free from negative thought patterns — like the ones related to negative body image.
(Isn’t God amazing?!)
💖 Explore Related Posts 💖
- Body Checking | Why You Do It and How You Can Stop
- What is Neuroplasticity and How To Renew Your Mind
- 5 Steps to Improve Negative Body Image with Grace
Tips to Shift from Body Positivity to Body Neutrality
1. Start with Gratitude
Begin by thanking our wonderful Father for the incredible gift of your body. Express how grateful you are for its abilities and for the opportunity to live out His purpose.
2. Embrace Function Over Appearance
Shift your focus from how your body looks to what it can do. Meditate on how strong and able God made your body. Appreciate the amazing vessel it is.
3. Practice Grace and Self-Respect
Instead of idolizing or praising your physical body (or specific body parts) — nurture a middle ground. Treat your body with respect and kindness. Avoid practicing negative self-talk.
4. Freedom from Unrealistic Standards
Break free from societal beauty standards and the pressure to conform. When something bothers you — redirect that thought to how your body serves you.
…do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…
Romans 12:2
5. Align with Your Identity in Christ
Remember that your worth is not determined by your appearance. Stand in your daughtership. Focus on the eternal value rather than fleeting physical beauty.
6. Shift Mindset from Appearance to Function
Resist the mindset that places too much importance on your outward appearance. Rest, move your body, and nourish it (including foods you love) so it can perform well.
7. Incorporate Body Neutral Affirmations
Use affirmations that reinforce body neutrality. The power of positive affirmations can reshape your thoughts and contribute to a healthier relationship with your body.
Here’s How to Use Body Neutral Affirmations
Give yourself some grace…
Whenever you decide to make a change — there will be resistance.
But don’t let that discourage you!
Overcoming your body image struggle IS possible. The change may not happen overnight, but God is faithful and able…
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20 NIV
Include the body neutral affirmations as a part of your daily routine…
- Morning Affirmations
Start your day by affirming positive statements about your body. Use the body neutrality affirmations below to initiate a positive mindset from the get-go.
- Incorporate Affirmations in Prayer
Integrate body-neutral affirmations into your prayer routine. Thank God for your body’s functionality, and ask Him to help you nurture a healthy relationship with it.
- Affirmations Before Bedtime
End your day on a positive note by repeating body-neutral affirmations before bedtime. This can help shape your thoughts as you transition into a restful night and encourage a more positive self-image.
Body neutral affirmations are a powerful tool! Replacing negative body image thoughts with positive thoughts is a great first step to a healthy body image (I’m SO excited for you!).
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
Check out all of the FREE Body Image Related Resources here!
Print the following affirmations and keep them with you at all times…
Body Neutral Affirmations
- I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
- My worth is rooted in Christ.
- God’s love defines me — not the size or shape of my body.
- I appreciate my body as a precious gift from a loving Father.
- I am thankful for the gift of my body.
- I acknowledge all the amazing things my body can do.
- I am a daughter of God — valued and cherished beyond physical characteristics.
- My identity in Christ is more important than anyone’s opinion.
- My self-worth goes beyond physical appearance — it’s aligned with my identity in Christ.
- My self-worth is determined by God’s love.
- My body enables me to live out God’s purpose.
- I celebrate my body’s intricate design crafted by the Creator.
- My body is a manifestation of God’s grace.
- My body is a reflection of God’s artistic creativity.
- My value is not determined by societal beauty norms.
- I accept my body’s individual qualities with love.
- My body is deserving of love and care just as it is.
- My body is a sacred temple — deserving of love, care, and respect.
- My body is a temple — I treat it with kindness, respect, and gratitude.
- I choose to view my body with kindness, gratitude, and a sense of wonder.
- My body is an instrument — not an ornament.
- I acknowledge the importance of a healthy relationship with my body.
- I redirect negative thoughts about my body toward positive affirmations.
- I challenge unhelpful thoughts about my appearance with affirming beliefs.
- My body is worthy of love and care — I choose to treat it with respect.
- I am more than the number on my scale or the size of my pants.
- My body deserves kindness — I treat it with the compassion it deserves.
- My body is an incredible vessel — regardless of imperfections.
- I am grateful for my body’s strength, resilience, and beauty.
- My body is a vessel of love.
- I am a whole person — not a body.
- I can fully engage and experience life in any body size.
- Diet culture does not influence my self-image
- I eat a variety of food — for wellness AND enjoyment.
- Food is my friend — not the enemy.
- I reject comparisons and embrace the unique features of my own body.
- I am at peace with my body — recognizing its inherent beauty and purpose.
- I choose self-acceptance over body idolatry.
- My body does not need to change to be accepted.
- I shift my focus from people-pleasing to finding contentment in my body’s appearance.
- My size, shape, and appearance do not influence my ability to enjoy life.
- I shift my mindset from appearance to function, appreciating the capabilities of my body.
- I will have bad body image days — and that’s ok.
- I reject the pressure to conform.
- I replace negative self-talk with affirmations of self-love and acceptance.
- I choose to break free from the cycle of self-criticism.
- I exercise as an act of self-kindness.
- My body is the least interesting thing about me.
- I choose to be gentle with myself — just as I treat a best friend.
- I am committed to fostering a more positive relationship with my body.
- I choose to focus on the present moment — appreciating the sensations and experiences my body provides.
- My body is a canvas of experiences — I appreciate the stories it tells.
- My body carries me through life’s extraordinary adventures.
- My body allows me to lift my arms in praise.
- My stretch marks are a beautiful reminder of what my body can do.
- My body has the ability to heal itself.
- My arms allow me to hug and comfort someone in need.
- My eyes witness the joy in my loved ones’ faces.
- My nose captures the comforting scent of a loved one’s aroma.
- My mouth savors special family recipes.
- My ears listen to the soothing sound of ocean waves crashing.
- My skin protects my body — and keeps me cool and warm.
- My digestive system processes and fuels my body.
- My nervous system helps me respond to the world around me.
- My reproductive system is a unique part of my body’s design.
- My brain recalls and produces information.
- Every part of my body serves a purpose and contributes to my overall well-being.
- My body is an incredible vessel, allowing me to experience the fullness of life.
- I let go of the pursuit of perfection — embracing the uniqueness of my body.
- I am on a path of self-discovery and self-acceptance — appreciating the journey my body takes me on.
- Every age has its grace — I am blessed to experience life at every stage.
Here’s a selection of 22 gospel-centered body neutral affirmations for Christian women that I personally consider will have the strongest impact on your journey to overcoming body image issues.

This post was all about body neutral affirmations. I pray you now have the tools that guide you to a better relationship with your body!
My prayer for you is that my decades of experience of — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-worth struggles — and how God has radically worked on my heart will bless and inspire you!
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