What is Body Image: How to Embrace God’s Love…
This post is all about Body Image, Negative Body Image, and Body Dissatisfaction.

Everyone is talking about it! Especially women…
I’m sure you’ve heard of it, and you’re probably wondering…
“Should I have a positive body image? Is there something wrong with me if I have a poor body image or a negative body image?”
As a Christian woman (and women in general), sometimes it’s hard not to have body image concerns and think about your body shape, your body type, and your body weight.
All because of…
- the unrealistic standards of social media images
- societal pressure
- societal ideals
- early experiences
- cultural influences
And even because of family members’ conversations about weight loss and being unhappy in their own skin.
It’s literally everywhere!
After you read this post, you’ll know all about body image, body dysmorphic disorder, positive body image, negative body image, body neutrality, and what God says about your body.
What Is Body Image?
Before diving in, let’s define it…
Here’s the body image definition:
“How you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind.
It encompasses:
- What you believe about your appearance (including your memories, assumptions, and generalizations).
- How you feel about your body, including your height, body shape, and body weight.
- How you sense and control your body as you move.
- How you physically experience or feel in your body.”
- The mental picture of your body…
Or, simply put — it’s how you think, feel, and act toward your body.
Do you struggle with an unhealthy body image?
Do you have negative feelings about the way you look?
Do you think of your body in a negative way?
If you answered yes to any of these…
You’re not alone!
Studies show that one in two American women is unhappy with their own bodies…
— And sadly, body dissatisfaction affects young people too…
89% of Latina young women in the United States are unhappy with their physical self and would like to be skinnier.
Where Does Negative Body Image or Body Distortion Come From?
If you’re anything like me, the messages started at a young age…
- “You have wide hips.”
- “You look ‘different’…”
- “Your nose is wide.”
- “Wow, your arms are big…”
I could go on and on…
Because I began struggling with how my body looks since I can remember!
I desperately wanted to be “like her” or “like her…”
Because — just like you, I was never comfortable in the body God gave me.
In my mind, there was a perfect body size and shape and I had to have it!
It’s circa 1982. I’m on a school bus full of kids – being kids…
My hands are lying firmly on my thighs – palms facing up.
I wasn’t meditating…
I’m shamefully hiding my hands so that the other kids won’t see the freckles on my hands….”
Can you believe it?!
I was so broken that I was embarrassed by my FRECKLES…
My low self-esteem drove me to
- extreme physical activity (it seemed like a good idea at the time)…
- extreme eating habits and dieting (I called it “healthy eating”)…
- cosmetic surgery as the first step to finally liking my body…
- and then to neglecting my body…
- gaining weight… (especially with “life changes”)
- feeling super awkward in social situations…
The point is I was NEVER content with my own weight or my own physical appearance.
My body’s size and weight CONSUMED ME!
Over the years I developed body dysmorphic disorder…
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
BDD is when you constantly think about the flaws in your appearance that might be minor or not even noticeable to others. It can make you feel really upset and anxious. It’s like having a negative filter over how you see yourself, even if others see you differently.
You probably have your own version of my story, right?
Where does this idea that “we are what we look like” come from?!
As children, we’re like sponges!
We absorb everything — good and not-so-good.
As young people, we are VERY impressionable.
The messages we receive shape how we view ourselves and others.
- When you don’t have positive-Godly messaging, you can grow into a woman who painfully submits yourself to believe whatever you’re told.
- And subject your body to whatever you need to — to look the way you think you should look…
- You desperately seek an unattainable sense of happiness in your appearance because of what someone said to you or because of societal influences.
These beliefs can lead to doubting your own self-worth and developing a negative body image or maybe even a disorder…
What is Negative Body Image?
A negative body image definition is an individual who is unhappy with their appearance. As a result, they may feel like they need to change their body size or shape.
But why?
Who has the right to tell you how you should look?
Who told you something is “wrong” with how you look?
Maybe it was
- an early childhood experience — a bully, a classmate…
- romantic relationships — your husband, an ex-boyfriend…
Family even…
It could’ve been at a family gathering…
Where everyone is lavishly praising so-and-so on how beautiful she looks because she lost weight.
Leaving us feeling less than because we live in larger bodies.
Or, an innocent comment from your bestie, “Wow – you look like you’ve been eating a lot of ice cream lately.”
Trauma or abuse…
I just want to take a moment before I go on and acknowledge that if this happened to you, I see you, and I’m sorry this happened to you. I pray that God lays His tender hands on your hurt and heals you.
After experiencing this myself and speaking to sooo many women…
I know that however the paralyzing message of “I’m not worthy” was delivered to you — it reads the same in your mind…
“I am less than because I am/am not ________________.” Fill in the blank with the lie.
Read on to learn if you, in fact, need to turn to God for help and to heal you from the struggle of negative body image.
What Are Some of the Signs of Negative Body Image?
Some signs of negative body image include:
- trouble accepting compliments
- mood shifts in response to how you think you look that day
- comparing yourself to others
- only posting edited photos or videos on social media
- repeatedly using negative phrases, such as “ugly” or “disgusting,” to describe yourself
- seeking reassurance from other people about your appearance
- the belief that if you could reach your beauty goals, then you’d be happier
- equating thinness or other physical features with success, perfection, or happiness
- fear of gaining weight
- feelings of shame about yourself or your body’s shape
I encourage you not to feel guilty if you relate to any of these signs…
It’s not your fault.
Unfortunately, it’s almost inevitable to feel like you don’t measure up…
Because of all of the false reality and false beauty standards you see on social media platforms…
💖 Explore Related Posts 💖
- Healthy Self-Image or Vanity? 5 Significant Differences
- What is Diet Culture?
- The Power of Grace: How to Overcome Self-Sabotage Through a Christian Perspective
Body Image and Social Media
Social media can significantly impact your body image.
When I say social media, I mean any device you watch things on.
When you’re watching a movie, scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, TikTok…
You’re constantly bombarded with images that say…
“This is how you’re supposed to look, live, and feel…”
American culture is obsessed with the “thin ideal”. Which means that a thin body is an attractive body.
The alarming rise of new diets can make you question if you’re attractive or desirable enough. This “thin ideal” can create body image problems for women who are in a larger body.
Remember John 10:10?
Where Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…”
The enemy has one single goal — to attack you. And what better and more tragic way than by making you question your identity — your worth, value, and resemblance to God?
But remember this my beautiful sister,

So What Does It Mean to Have a Positive Body Image?
Collins Dictionary says positive body image is “the idea that people should feel happy with and proud of their body, whatever shape or size it is.”
The more known version of that definition is, “Body Positivity celebrates the outward beauty of your body regardless of shape or form.”
It means you do not allow society to determine or impact your value.
This is a powerful statement!
Because you’re saying: Yes!, I am who God says I am!
You and all of God’s creations deserve to have a positive body image, regardless of how society views ideal shape, size, and appearance.
Body image and why it’s important to embrace God’s love.
God did not make any mistakes in creating you!
Let that sink in for a second my friend…
He made you exactly how you are.

Did you know human beings are more prone to believe a lie than the truth?
I know, crazy, right?!
So, whenever you look in the mirror and say…
- I’m not pretty…
- I’m not skinny…
- I’m too skinny…
- My shape is ugly…
- I have rolls…
- cellulite
- big thighs
- small thighs
- big butt
- small butt…
Or have negative thoughts like
I’m not good enough…
I’m not popular enough…
I’m not intelligent, rich, tall, short, or toned enough…
Know this…
God didn’t mess up when He created you.
He hand-designed you — ALL of you. God made you to be who you are and how you are.
Your physical and personality traits are His creation. You are beautifully unique. A one-of-a-kind — an original design.
“We are God’s masterpiece.”
Ephesians 2:10
You are worthy of respect and love.
You are meant to be confident, bold, and beautiful — not because of who YOU are but because of WHOSE you are!
The truth is…
You are God’s creation.
God created us in His image…
Genesis 1:27
You’re complex, intricate. You’re spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical all in one!

It’s not about being a certain size or looking how society deems acceptable — it’s accepting and living in the truth that you are made by Him and for Him.
So, you might be asking yourself…
“am I supposed to be proud of how I look? Of who I am?
Isn’t that being conceded?”
That’s a great question!
God wants you to 100% stand in your daughtership — be confident-bold-beautiful because of Whose you are.
It’s a matter of the heart…
He wants you to worship Him regardless of how you look.
It’s a matter of being “neutral” to the external ideals and beliefs of how you should or shouldn’t look.
And this brings us to another emerging movement: body neutrality…
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
- Check out all of the FREE resources I’ve created just for you!
- Download your FREE 7-Day Body Image Grace Challenge
- Book: The Well-Watered Woman is a great read…
Body Neutrality
As you learned so far, body positivity celebrates outward appearance.
But body neutrality is the idea that you can exist without having to think too much about your body…
Whether they’re positive thoughts or negative thoughts.
It also encourages you to recognize your body’s abilities and nonphysical characteristics over your appearance.
So, while body positivity celebrates the outward beauty of your body regardless of shape or form, body neutrality celebrates what your body can do regardless of shape or form.
Praise God! Because although these movements may err a bit here and there (and who doesn’t?! I know I do — all the time!) they show that society is turning a leaf.
You’re encouraged to embrace your body rather than be told you don’t measure up.
Yet, I still wonder, does society have the final say on how you feel about your appearance?
Again, it’s a matter of the heart my beautiful sister…
It lies within yourself to seek a relationship with God and ask Him to teach you to honor Him with your body.
God is your Creator — and He has the first and last word…
Past experiences — as painful as they may be — don’t get to determine your value.
God says you are wonderfully made. And He wants you to be confident, bold, beautiful, and FREE!
He’s the only One who can (and will) fix up the mess others made in your mind and in your heart.
This post was all about body image. Now that you understand it — I invite you to confront your weakness and know that you have the strength to overcome a negative body image in Christ.
Body Image Prayer
Abba Father, please help me overcome my distorted body image. Help me to heal from the lies I have believed. Help me to believe what YOU say about my body. That I am fearfully and wonderfully made. That you are my God. I was created by You and for You. That I would worship YOU — not my body. In Jesus’ name, amen.
My prayer for you is that my decades of experience of — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-esteem struggles — and how God has radically worked on my heart will bless and inspire you!
You’re Invited…
You have an open invitation to binge on all of my posts — written with Holy Spirit-inspired words and filled with love just for you — my beautiful friend.
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