7 of the Best Christian Body Image Books for Women
This post is all about Christian body image books. These are the 7 best faith-based body image books that every Christian woman struggling with negative body image needs to know about.
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Body image issues affect 9 out of 10 women! And that’s why I’m giving you my 7 best body image books — each one filled with an inspiring story… (Reading any one of these books is a great way to get you started on your journey to body freedom!)
Social media, diet culture, and society’s impossible beauty standards have a sneaky way to take your eyes off of your true self — a beautiful daughter of God…
As you begin to question your God-given identity and self-worth — all of a sudden — you find yourself with a lack of body confidence.
- You’re consumed with debilitating negative body talk…
- You harshly criticize your body size…
- You wish your body shape or body type were different…
- You start hating parts of your body…
- You submit your body to restrictive weight loss diets…
- You hire a personal trainer and submit yourself to excessive exercise…
And before you know it, you develop an eating disorder to get you the body of your dreams, or your mental health suffers.
(I know because that was me my entire life — or at least as far back as I can remember… Who knows, maybe someday I’ll write a book!)
My dear friend, it doesn’t matter how deep your body image struggles are — God’s grace is deeper — there’s hope for you!
My goal in listing this hand-picked selection of body image books is that you
- are spiritually armed to battle your body issues with compassionate strategies.
- are comfortable in your own body — for your good and God’s glory.
- become free and whole with God’s grace!
A healthy body image comes with time, my beautiful friend.
But as you journey your way toward body acceptance — I encourage you to practice body kindness.
As God renews your mind, you’ll experience a positive body image — and ultimately, Godly radical self-love 🙌🏼!
In this blog post, you’ll find 7 of my favorite Christian body image books. And in these body image books, the author shares their personal stories.
You’ll learn…
- about their personal struggles
- valuable insights
- introspective reflections
- life-transforming spiritual and practical advice
- actionable takeaways
so you can apply them to your own journey.
Best Christian Body Image Books
(These body image book recommendations aren’t in order of preference. Although number one is my favorite!)
1. The Body Revelation (by Alisa Keeton. She’s my best friend — she just doesn’t know it 😛.)
Physical and Spiritual Practices to Metabolize Pain, Banish Shame, and Connect to God with Your Whole Self
Do you sometimes feel as though your body is a problem to solve?
Discover how to make it part of the solution instead.
It’s now known that the emotional and relational pain you’ve lived through has a profound negative physical effect on your body.
Alisa Keeton proposes that the reverse is also true: What you do with your body can have a dramatic positive effect on your emotions, relationships, and your connection with God.
In The Body Revelation, she shows you how to use your body as a means of healing past pain and promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
(The perfect book — in my humble opinion.)
God calls our bodies good and cares about our pain...
Discover scientifically based, biblically-sound mind-body tools to forever change how you process pain so that you can experience emotional freedom, physical renewal, and spiritual transformation.
2. Wonderfully Made: Discover the Identity, Love, And Worth You Were Created For
Don’t believe the lie that you are defined by your struggles or that your worth comes from your achievements or looks.
Your identity comes from God. No matter what the other voices might say, God declares that you are lovingly and wonderfully made and His eternal plan for you is good.
If you question your worth or wonder what you're here for...
God planned your days before you were born, and He longs for you to discover the life He created you to live — here on earth and in eternity.
3. Breaking Free from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim What God Has Named Good
You were made for more than a love/hate relationship with your body.
It’s one thing to know in your head that you were created in the image of God.
Yet it’s quite another to experience this belief in your body against the impossible standards and cultural ideals of a woman’s worth.
And between the two lies a world of frustration, disappointment, and the shame of somehow feeling both too much and never enough in your body.
Jess Connolly knows this inner conflict all too well.
This book details her journey--and yours--of setting out to discover how to break free from the broken beliefs we all hold about our bodies that hold us back from our fullest life.
💖 Explore Related Posts 💖
- 11 Tips on Overcoming Body Image Issues with Grace
- 101 Body Image Affirmations for Christian Women
- 10 Easy & Proven Good Habits For A Healthy Body Image
4. What God Has to Say about Our Bodies: How the Gospel Is Good News for Our Physical Selves
There’s a danger in focusing too much on the body.
There’s also a danger in not valuing it enough.
In fact, the Bible has lots to say about the body…
This is a powerfully written book...
In which you'll gain a new understanding of the immeasurable value of your body and God's ultimate plan to redeem you.
5. Image RESTored: Tear Down Shame and Insecurity to Experience a Body Image Renovation
Are you tired of being at war with your body — and with your thoughts about your body?
Rachael Gilbert struggled with shame when she didn’t measure up to her dream body image.
Then, she realized how many of us bury the same painful insecurities. But keeping up appearances is exhausting. We need restoration from the inside out.
Image RESTored is almost like a body image workbook! Rachael offers professional guidance, coloring pages, Scripture, prayers, and journaling prompts.
Tear Down Shame and Insecurity to Experience a Body Image Renovation
This whole-person, interactive approach to body image includes coloring sheets, journaling prompts, and therapist insights that ground you in God’s love and build you up in truth.
💖 Recommended Resources 💖
Check out all of the FREE Body Image Related Resources here!
30-Day Digital Self-Love Journal
Compared to Who includes chapter questions for individual or small group study to help you transform your body image and find new freedom and confidence to live out your God-given purpose.
A Proven Path to Improve Your Body Image
If you sometimes feel frustrated because you compare yourself to others and fall short, this book is for you.
Rooted in Truth, Growing in Grace, Flourishing in Faith
Discover the bottomless, refreshing Well of God’s Word―and experience a fullness and peace beyond your circumstances.
In the chaos of your every day, it can be difficult to live out and apply the truths of Scripture. You want more of Jesus, but you find yourself looking to your own life and accomplishments for your worth and identity. And while that may buoy you for a time, you’re often left feeling dried up, discouraged, and longing for more.
In 'The Well-Watered Woman,' you’ll discover the empowering journey to genuine happiness and self-acceptance.
Through heartfelt stories and uplifting Bible verses, Gretchen Saffles will inspire you to embrace your worth, find freedom, and love yourself just as you are!
Overcome Your Body Image Struggles…
Download your FREE 18-page “Body Image Redefined Fast Track” so you can begin your life-transforming journey toward self-acceptance and embrace your identity as a cherished daughter of God TODAY!.
My prayer for you is that my decades of personal experiences with — an all-consuming battle with the scale — self-worth struggles — and how God has radically worked on my mind and heart will make you see yourself in a different way, bless, and inspire you!
You’re Invited…
You have an open invitation to binge on all of my posts — written with Holy Spirit-inspired words and filled with love just for you — my beautiful friend.
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